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Die letzten Beiträge des Themas

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Ansicht erweitern Die letzten Beiträge des Themas: jurabib

von Eduard » Sa 8. Jul 2017, 20:37

Danke! Habe jetzt Paket auf scrpage2 als auch mit dessen Nachfolger Paket auf scrlayer-scrpage gelöscht. Jetzt funktioniert alles!

von Gast » Sa 8. Jul 2017, 20:34

PS: Das hat aber nichts mehr mit der ursprünglichen Frage zu tun. Bitte stelle für neue Fragen auch wirklich neue Fragen.

von Gast » Sa 8. Jul 2017, 20:32

jurabook lädt fancyhdr und ist damit inkompatibel sowohl mit dem veralteten scrpage2 als auch mit dessen Nachfolger scrlayer-scrpage.

von Eduard » Sa 8. Jul 2017, 19:37

Hier nochmals die genaue Fehlermeldung:
/usr/local/texlive/2017/texmf-dist/tex/latex/koma-script/scrpage2.sty:499: LaTe
X Error: Command \chapterlevel already defined.
               Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.499 \newcommand*{\chapterlevel}{0}

/usr/local/texlive/2017/texmf-dist/tex/latex/koma-script/scrpage2.sty:889: LaTe
X Error: Command \chead already defined.
               Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.889 ...}{\kernel@ifnextchar[{\@@chead}{\@chead}}

/usr/local/texlive/2017/texmf-dist/tex/latex/koma-script/scrpage2.sty:928: LaTe
X Error: Command \cfoot already defined.
               Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.928 ...}{\kernel@ifnextchar[{\@@cfoot}{\@cfoot}}
) (/usr/local/texlive/2017/texmf-dist/tex/latex/koma-script/typearea.sty
Package: typearea 2017/04/13 v3.23 KOMA-Script package (type area)

Package: scrkbase 2017/04/13 v3.23 KOMA-Script package (KOMA-Script-dependent b
asics and keyval usage)

Package: scrbase 2017/04/13 v3.23 KOMA-Script package (KOMA-Script-independent 
basics and keyval usage)

Package: scrlfile 2017/04/13 v3.23 KOMA-Script package (loading files)

Package scrlfile, 2017/04/13 v3.23 KOMA-Script package (loading files)
                  Copyright (C) Markus Kohm

Package typearea Info: You've used standard option `a4paper'.
(typearea)             This is correct!
(typearea)             Internally I'm using `paper=a4'.
(typearea)             If you'd like to set the option with \KOMAoptions,
(typearea)             you'd have to use `paper=a4' there
(typearea)             instead of `a4paper', too.
Package typearea Info: You've used standard option `oneside'.
(typearea)             This is correct!
(typearea)             Internally I'm using `twoside=false'.
(typearea)             If you'd like to set the option with \KOMAoptions,
(typearea)             you'd have to use `twoside=false' there
(typearea)             instead of `oneside', too.
Package typearea Info: These are the values describing the layout:
(typearea)             DIV  = 12
(typearea)             BCOR = 136.57323pt
(typearea)             \paperwidth      = 597.50793pt
(typearea)              \textwidth      = 345.70103pt
(typearea)              DIV departure   = 10%
(typearea)              \evensidemargin = 121.92007pt
(typearea)              \oddsidemargin  = 121.92007pt
(typearea)             \paperheight     = 845.04694pt
(typearea)              \textheight     = 635.5pt
(typearea)              \topmargin      = -41.72441pt
(typearea)              \headheight     = 18.125pt
(typearea)              \headsep        = 21.75pt
(typearea)              \topskip        = 12.0pt
(typearea)              \footskip       = 50.75pt
(typearea)              \baselineskip   = 14.5pt
(typearea)              on input line 1647.
Package typearea Info: These are the values describing the layout:
(typearea)             DIV  = 12
(typearea)             BCOR = 0.0pt
(typearea)             \paperwidth      = 597.50793pt
(typearea)              \textwidth      = 448.13095pt
(typearea)              DIV departure   = -6%
(typearea)              \evensidemargin = 2.4185pt
(typearea)              \oddsidemargin  = 2.4185pt
(typearea)             \paperheight     = 845.04694pt
(typearea)              \textheight     = 635.5pt
(typearea)              \topmargin      = -41.72441pt
(typearea)              \headheight     = 18.125pt
(typearea)              \headsep        = 21.75pt
(typearea)              \topskip        = 12.0pt
(typearea)              \footskip       = 50.75pt
(typearea)              \baselineskip   = 14.5pt
(typearea)              on input line 47.
Package: newcent 2005/04/12 PSNFSS-v9.2a (SPQR) 
Package: microtype 2016/05/14 v2.6a Micro-typographical refinements (RS)
LaTeX Info: Redefining \textls on input line 774.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \textmicrotypecontext on input line 1310.

File: microtype-pdftex.def 2016/05/14 v2.6a Definitions specific to pdftex (RS)

LaTeX Info: Redefining \lsstyle on input line 916.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \lslig on input line 916.
Package microtype Info: Loading configuration file microtype.cfg.

File: microtype.cfg 2016/05/14 v2.6a microtype main configuration file (RS)
Package: textcomp 2017/04/05 v2.0i Standard LaTeX package
Package textcomp Info: Sub-encoding information:
(textcomp)               5 = only ISO-Adobe without \textcurrency
(textcomp)               4 = 5 + \texteuro
(textcomp)               3 = 4 + \textohm
(textcomp)               2 = 3 + \textestimated + \textcurrency
(textcomp)               1 = TS1 - \textcircled - \t
(textcomp)               0 = TS1 (full)
(textcomp)             Font families with sub-encoding setting implement
(textcomp)             only a restricted character set as indicated.
(textcomp)             Family '?' is the default used for unknown fonts.
(textcomp)             See the documentation for details.
Package textcomp Info: Setting ? sub-encoding to TS1/1 on input line 79.

von Eduard » Sa 8. Jul 2017, 19:36

Hier nochmals mein Minibeispiel:






uniquename=true,% Kommt ein Nachname eines Autors mehrfach vor, so wird dieser mit Initialen zitiert.
sorting=nyvt,% Sortierreihenfolge im LitVerz: Zuerst nach Name, beim gleichen Autor nach Jahr, Volume und Titel
style=biblatex-juradiss,% Nutzung des biblatex-Stils biblatex-juradiss
ibidtracker=true,% Kein ebenda
datezeros=true,% Keine führende Null vor Datumsziffern: 9. 2. 1982 statt 09.02.1988
date=short,% Datum als Ziffern, keine ausgeschriebenen Monatsnamen










von Eduard » Sa 8. Jul 2017, 19:33

In der Datei zu juradiss heißt es:
Um biblatex-juradiss zu verwenden muss dieses als Paketoption von biblatex eingebunden werden. Dies geschieht durch die Option \usepackage[style=biblatex-juradiss]{biblatex}. Sofern man die Dateien nicht über eine TeX-Distribution, wie TeX Live oder MikTeX installiert, kopiert man sie die Dateien biblatex-juradiss.cbx und biblatex-juradiss.bbx in <TEXMFLOCAL>/tex/latex/biblatex-juradiss, wobei
<TEXMFLOCAL> der Wurzelpfad der TeX-Installation ist. Danach muss man den Datei-hash aktualisieren.
Die biber.conf-Datei legt man einfach in den gleichen Ordner, wie die tex-Datei.
Kann leider die Ordner nicht finden und da ich mich nicht auskenne, wollte ich da auch nichts ändern.

von Eduard » Sa 8. Jul 2017, 19:29

Vielleicht kann mir jemand doch noch helfen. Würde mich wirklich sehr darüber freuen.

Mittlerweile habe ich einige Fortschritte mit der "biblatex-juradiss" gemacht. Nachdem ich nämlich die authortitle-dw-temp.bbx, authortitle-dw-temp.cbx, biblatex-juradiss.bbx, biblatex-juradiss.cbx in den Ordner kopiert habe, indem meine tex-Datei ist, bekomme ich diese Fehlermeldung
nicht mehr.

Leider scheint es jetzt aber einen Konflikt zwischen Koma-Skript zu geben. Hier meine log-Datei:
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2017.7.7)  8 JUL 2017 17:56
entering extended mode
 restricted \write18 enabled.
 file:line:error style messages enabled.
 %&-line parsing enabled.
LaTeX2e <2017-04-15>
Babel <3.10> and hyphenation patterns for 84 language(s) loaded.
Document Class: jurabook 2007/11/09 V0.91 (beta) juridical books (AS)
Package: jurabase 2007/11/15 V0.17 basic jura commands (AS)

Package: xspace 2014/10/28 v1.13 Space after command names (DPC,MH)
Package: calc 2014/10/28 v4.3 Infix arithmetic (KKT,FJ)
LaTeX Info: Redefining \setlength on input line 80.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \addtolength on input line 81.
Package: ifthen 2014/09/29 v1.1c Standard LaTeX ifthen package (DPC)
Package: fancyhdr 2016/09/06 3.8 Extensive control of page headers and footers
Package: multicol 2017/04/11 v1.8q multicolumn formatting (FMi)
Document Class: book 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
File: bk12.clo 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option)
Package: ifpdf 2017/03/15 v3.2 Provides the ifpdf switch

\openout3 = `1-Version.dcs'.

Class jurabook Info: Changing LaTeX's `thebibliography' environment on input li
ne 5.

Package: fontenc 2017/04/05 v2.0i Standard LaTeX package

File: t1enc.def 2017/04/05 v2.0i Standard LaTeX file
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring font encoding T1 on input line 48.
Package: inputenc 2015/03/17 v1.2c Input encoding file

File: utf8.def 2017/01/28 v1.1t UTF-8 support for inputenc
Now handling font encoding OML ...
... no UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding OML
Now handling font encoding T1 ...
... processing UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding T1

Now handling font encoding OMS ...
... processing UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding OMS

File: omsenc.dfu 2017/01/28 v1.1t UTF-8 support for inputenc
   defining Unicode char U+00A7 (decimal 167)
   defining Unicode char U+00B6 (decimal 182)
   defining Unicode char U+00B7 (decimal 183)
   defining Unicode char U+2020 (decimal 8224)
   defining Unicode char U+2021 (decimal 8225)
   defining Unicode char U+2022 (decimal 8226)
Now handling font encoding OMX ...
... no UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding OMX
Now handling font encoding U ...
... no UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding U
   defining Unicode char U+00A9 (decimal 169)
   defining Unicode char U+00AA (decimal 170)
   defining Unicode char U+00AE (decimal 174)
   defining Unicode char U+00BA (decimal 186)
   defining Unicode char U+02C6 (decimal 710)
   defining Unicode char U+02DC (decimal 732)
   defining Unicode char U+200C (decimal 8204)
   defining Unicode char U+2026 (decimal 8230)
   defining Unicode char U+2122 (decimal 8482)
   defining Unicode char U+2423 (decimal 9251)
Package: eurosym 1998/08/06 v1.1 European currency symbol ``Euro''
Package: babel 2017/05/19 3.10 The Babel package

Language: greek 2016/09/07 v1.9g Greek support for the babel system

File: babel.def 2017/05/19 3.10 Babel common definitions

File: lgrenc.def 2015/12/07 v0.13.1 LGR Greek font encoding definitions
Now handling font encoding LGR ...
... processing UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding LGR

File: greek-fontenc.def 2015/08/04 v0.13 Common Greek font encoding definitions

LaTeX Info: Composite with undeclared \< in encoding LGR on input line 418.
LaTeX Info: Composite with undeclared \> in encoding LGR on input line 418.
) (/usr/local/texlive/2017/texmf-dist/tex/generic/babel-english/english.ldf
Language: english 2017/01/24 v3.3q English support from the babel system
\l@canadian = a dialect from \language\l@american 
\l@australian = a dialect from \language\l@british 
\l@newzealand = a dialect from \language\l@british 
Language: ngerman 2016/11/02 v2.9 German support for babel (new orthography)

Language: ngermanb 2016/11/02 v2.9 German support for babel (new orthography)
Package babel Info: Making " an active character on input line 125.
Package: biblatex 2016/12/05 v3.7 programmable bibliographies (PK/JW/AB)

Package: pdftexcmds 2017/03/19 v0.25 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO

Package: infwarerr 2016/05/16 v1.4 Providing info/warning/error messages (HO)
Package: ifluatex 2016/05/16 v1.4 Provides the ifluatex switch (HO)
Package ifluatex Info: LuaTeX not detected.
Package: ltxcmds 2016/05/16 v1.23 LaTeX kernel commands for general use (HO)
Package pdftexcmds Info: LuaTeX not detected.
Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf@primitive is available.
Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf@ifprimitive is available.
Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdfdraftmode found.
Package: etoolbox 2017/01/02 v2.4 e-TeX tools for LaTeX (JAW)
Package: keyval 2014/10/28 v1.15 key=value parser (DPC)
Package: kvoptions 2016/05/16 v3.12 Key value format for package options (HO)

Package: kvsetkeys 2016/05/16 v1.17 Key value parser (HO)

Package: etexcmds 2016/05/16 v1.6 Avoid name clashes with e-TeX commands (HO)
Package etexcmds Info: Could not find \expanded.
(etexcmds)             That can mean that you are not using pdfTeX 1.50 or
(etexcmds)             that some package has redefined \expanded.
(etexcmds)             In the latter case, load this package earlier.
Package: logreq 2010/08/04 v1.0 xml request logger

File: logreq.def 2010/08/04 v1.0 logreq spec v1.0
Package: url 2013/09/16  ver 3.4  Verb mode for urls, etc.
Package: xstring 2013/10/13  v1.7c  String manipulations (C Tellechea)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex default data model...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'blx-dm.def' found.

Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex style data model...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex-juradiss.dbx' not found.
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex custom data model...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex-dm.cfg' not found.
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load compatibility code...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'blx-compat.def' found.

File: blx-compat.def 2016/12/05 v3.7 biblatex compatibility (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load generic definitions...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex.def' found.

File: biblatex.def 2016/12/05 v3.7 biblatex compatibility (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load bibliography style 'biblatex-juradiss'...

Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex-juradiss.bbx' found.

File: biblatex-juradiss.bbx 2012/07/17 v0.1f biblatex bibliography style
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load bibliography style 'authortitle-dw-temp'.
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'authortitle-dw-temp.bbx' found.
File: authortitle-dw-temp.bbx 2013/09/22 v1.6a biblatex bibliography style
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load bibliography style 'standard-dw-temp'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'standard-dw-temp.bbx' found.
File: standard-dw.bbx 2013/09/22 v1.6a biblatex bibliography style
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load bibliography style 'standard'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'standard.bbx' found.

File: standard.bbx 2016/12/05 v3.7 biblatex bibliography style (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load citation style 'biblatex-juradiss'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex-juradiss.cbx' found.

File: biblatex-juradiss.cbx 2012/07/17 v0.1f biblatex citation style
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load citation style 'authortitle-dw-temp'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'authortitle-dw-temp.cbx' found.
File: authortitle-dw.cbx 2013/09/22 v1.6a biblatex citation style
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load citation style 'standard-dw-temp'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'standard-dw-temp.cbx' found.
File: standard-dw-temp.cbx 2013/09/22 v1.6a biblatex citation style
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\fullcite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\footfullcite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\cite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\parencite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\footcite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\footcitetext'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\textcite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\smartcite'.
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load configuration file...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex.cfg' found.

File: biblatex.cfg 
Package: csquotes 2017/03/11 v5.2b context-sensitive quotations (JAW)

File: csquotes.def 2017/03/11 v5.2b csquotes generic definitions (JAW)
Package csquotes Info: Trying to load configuration file 'csquotes.cfg'...
Package csquotes Info: ... configuration file loaded successfully.

File: csquotes.cfg 
Package csquotes Info: Option 'babel' depreciated.
(csquotes)             Using 'autostyle'.
Package csquotes Info: Enabling multilingual quotes.
Package csquotes Info: Redefining alias 'german' -> 'german/guillemets'.
Package: parskip 2001/04/09 non-zero parskip adjustments
Package: scrpage2 2017/04/13 v3.23 KOMA-Script package (page head and foot)

/usr/local/texlive/2017/texmf-dist/tex/latex/koma-script/scrpage2.sty:499: LaTe
X Error: Command \chapterlevel already defined.
               Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.499 \newcommand*{\chapterlevel}{0}

/usr/local/texlive/2017/texmf-dist/tex/latex/koma-script/scrpage2.sty:889: LaTe
X Error: Command \chead already defined.
               Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.889 ...}{\kernel@ifnextchar[{\@@chead}{\@chead}}

/usr/local/texlive/2017/texmf-dist/tex/latex/koma-script/scrpage2.sty:928: LaTe
X Error: Command \cfoot already defined.
               Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.928 ...}{\kernel@ifnextchar[{\@@cfoot}{\@cfoot}}
) (/usr/local/texlive/2017/texmf-dist/tex/latex/koma-script/typearea.sty
Package: typearea 2017/04/13 v3.23 KOMA-Script package (type area)

Package: scrkbase 2017/04/13 v3.23 KOMA-Script package (KOMA-Script-dependent b
asics and keyval usage)

Package: scrbase 2017/04/13 v3.23 KOMA-Script package (KOMA-Script-independent 
basics and keyval usage)

Package: scrlfile 2017/04/13 v3.23 KOMA-Script package (loading files)

Package scrlfile, 2017/04/13 v3.23 KOMA-Script package (loading files)
                  Copyright (C) Markus Kohm

Package typearea Info: You've used standard option `a4paper'.
(typearea)             This is correct!
(typearea)             Internally I'm using `paper=a4'.
(typearea)             If you'd like to set the option with \KOMAoptions,
(typearea)             you'd have to use `paper=a4' there
(typearea)             instead of `a4paper', too.
Package typearea Info: You've used standard option `oneside'.
(typearea)             This is correct!
(typearea)             Internally I'm using `twoside=false'.
(typearea)             If you'd like to set the option with \KOMAoptions,
(typearea)             you'd have to use `twoside=false' there
(typearea)             instead of `oneside', too.
Package typearea Info: These are the values describing the layout:
(typearea)             DIV  = 12
(typearea)             BCOR = 136.57323pt
(typearea)             \paperwidth      = 597.50793pt
(typearea)              \textwidth      = 345.70103pt
(typearea)              DIV departure   = 10%
(typearea)              \evensidemargin = 121.92007pt
(typearea)              \oddsidemargin  = 121.92007pt
(typearea)             \paperheight     = 845.04694pt
(typearea)              \textheight     = 635.5pt
(typearea)              \topmargin      = -41.72441pt
(typearea)              \headheight     = 18.125pt
(typearea)              \headsep        = 21.75pt
(typearea)              \topskip        = 12.0pt
(typearea)              \footskip       = 50.75pt
(typearea)              \baselineskip   = 14.5pt
(typearea)              on input line 1647.
Package typearea Info: These are the values describing the layout:
(typearea)             DIV  = 12
(typearea)             BCOR = 0.0pt
(typearea)             \paperwidth      = 597.50793pt
(typearea)              \textwidth      = 448.13095pt
(typearea)              DIV departure   = -6%
(typearea)              \evensidemargin = 2.4185pt
(typearea)              \oddsidemargin  = 2.4185pt
(typearea)             \paperheight     = 845.04694pt
(typearea)              \textheight     = 635.5pt
(typearea)              \topmargin      = -41.72441pt
(typearea)              \headheight     = 18.125pt
(typearea)              \headsep        = 21.75pt
(typearea)              \topskip        = 12.0pt
(typearea)              \footskip       = 50.75pt
(typearea)              \baselineskip   = 14.5pt
(typearea)              on input line 47.
Package: newcent 2005/04/12 PSNFSS-v9.2a (SPQR) 
Package: microtype 2016/05/14 v2.6a Micro-typographical refinements (RS)
LaTeX Info: Redefining \textls on input line 774.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \textmicrotypecontext on input line 1310.

File: microtype-pdftex.def 2016/05/14 v2.6a Definitions specific to pdftex (RS)

LaTeX Info: Redefining \lsstyle on input line 916.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \lslig on input line 916.
Package microtype Info: Loading configuration file microtype.cfg.

File: microtype.cfg 2016/05/14 v2.6a microtype main configuration file (RS)
Package: textcomp 2017/04/05 v2.0i Standard LaTeX package
Package textcomp Info: Sub-encoding information:
(textcomp)               5 = only ISO-Adobe without \textcurrency
(textcomp)               4 = 5 + \texteuro
(textcomp)               3 = 4 + \textohm
(textcomp)               2 = 3 + \textestimated + \textcurrency
(textcomp)               1 = TS1 - \textcircled - \t
(textcomp)               0 = TS1 (full)
(textcomp)             Font families with sub-encoding setting implement
(textcomp)             only a restricted character set as indicated.
(textcomp)             Family '?' is the default used for unknown fonts.
(textcomp)             See the documentation for details.
Package textcomp Info: Setting ? sub-encoding to TS1/1 on input line 79.

File: ts1enc.def 2001/06/05 v3.0e (jk/car/fm) Standard LaTeX file
Now handling font encoding TS1 ...
... processing UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding TS1

von Gast » Sa 8. Jul 2017, 13:38

biblatex-juradiss wird leider schon lang nicht mehr gepflegt. Vielleicht wird der Autor auf Anfrage etwas unternehmen. Wenn nicht, würde ich von dem Paket eher abraten. Es gibt zwar eine von Herbert Voß angepasste Version http://comedy.dante.de/~herbert/Bibliography/juradiss/ Aber Du kannst nicht damit rechnen, dass Herbert Voß sich auch in Zukunft um das Paket kümmern wird.

Siehe auch http://golatex.de/backend-undefined-bei ... 18365.html http://golatex.de/biblatex-juradiss-unt ... 16936.html

Stile für juristisches Zitieren, dir außerdem auch noch gut gepflegt werden, sind in TeX leider rar gesät.

Wenn Du in Deinem ursprünglichen Beispiel jurbib vor classicthesis lädst, bekommst Du zumindest keinen Fehler mehr.






classicthesis solltest Du wohl trotzdem besser nicht benutzen. (Siehe Warnungen.)

von Eduard » Sa 8. Jul 2017, 13:37

Die Lösung für mich lautet bis jetzt folgendermaßen:









Anscheinend funktionieren die ganzen juristischen Pakete nicht so optimal.

von Gast » Sa 8. Jul 2017, 13:35

BTW: Die Verwendung von classicthesis mit scrbook führt zu einer Latte von Warnungen. Würde ich mir zweimal überlegen.

Nach oben