Sideways-Tabelle ueber mehrere Seiten, falscher Rand

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Beiträge: 6
Registriert: Di 24. Jan 2012, 23:18

Sideways-Tabelle ueber mehrere Seiten, falscher Rand

Beitrag von chris4aus »


Ich habe eine Tabelle, die ich gedreht habe, damit sie uebersichtlicher wird. Dann wollte ich noch gerne extra Platz zwischen den einzelnen Zeilen.
Ich muss leider die ganze Tabelle posten, da es mit einem Minimalbeispiel funktioniert bzw. auch wenn ich eine extrarowheight bis 2pt eingebe, wolle aber gerne 3 oder 4 haben.
Ausserdem springt die Tabelle ab einer extrarowheight von 3 auf die 2. Seite und laesst die erste Seite frei - was ist da faul?
Symbol & Meaning & size/\,value/\,range & section(s)\\
\multicolumn{4}{l}{\small\sl continued from previous page}\\
Symbol & Meaning & size/\,value/\,range & section(s)\\
\multicolumn{4}{r}{\small\sl continued on next page}\\}
\textbf{A} & matrix for layer geometry & $2$ by $a$ & \ref{s:b_vertical}, \ref{s:rot}, \ref{s:trap}, \ref{f:structure}\\
$a$ &  rows of \textbf{A}& $2* \frac{w}{H} + 1$ &  \ref{s:b_vertical}\\
$\text{\textbf{B}}_k$ & adjusted matrix for rotated  geometry& $\text{\textbf{B}}_k^{\textbf{$\dagger$}} + $  matrix ($2$ by $g$)& \ref{s:conn}\\

$\text{\textbf{B}}_k^{\textbf{$\dagger$}}$ &matrix for rotated  geometry& \textbf{A} $*$ \textbf{R$_k$}& \ref{s:rot}\\

$b$,$b_q$ & \textit{offset number} & user specified & \ref{s:b_a}\\
\textbf{C},\textbf{C}$_f$ & adjusted matrix for minor compound layer ($f$)& $ \sum_{i = 0}^{k-1} \text{\textbf{B}}_i + \text{\textbf{B}}_{\frac{180\degree} {\varphi_0}}^{\textbf{$\dagger$}}$& \ref{s:conn}, \ref{s:off}\\
\textbf{C$^\dagger$} & unadjusted matrix for minor compound layer & $ \sum_{k}$ $\text{\textbf{B}}_k^{\textbf{$\dagger$}}$ & \ref{s:rot}\\

$c$ & number of corners of the polygon & $\frac{360\degree}{\varphi_0}$ & \ref{s:length}\\

\textbf{D} & first part of \textbf{C}& \textbf{B}$_0$ $+$ $\text{\textbf{B}}_1^{\textbf{$\dagger$}}$ & \ref{s:off}\\
$d$ &specific \textit{sub block} & [1,s] & \ref{s:sub}\\
$d_{useful}$ & distance between $P_{purple}$ and  $P_{zero}$ & (0,$\infty$) & \ref{s:length}\\

\textbf{F} & last part of \textbf{C}&$\text{\textbf{B}}_2^{\textbf{$\dagger$}}$ & \ref{s:off}\\
$f$ & index of current minor compound layer & [1,r]& \ref{s:off}\\
\textbf{G}$_d$ & adjusted matrix for \textit{sub block d}& 2 by ($2* \frac{w_q}{H_q} + 1 +$ matrix ($2$ by $g$)& \ref {s:sub}\\
$\text{\textbf{G}}_d^{\textbf{$\dagger$}}$ & unadjusted matrix for \textit{sub block d}& 2 by $2* \frac{w_q}{H_q} + 1$& \ref {s:sub}\\
$g$ & amount of extension to $j$ & [0, 2] & \ref{s:b_a}\\
$H$,$H_q$ & \textit{Horizontal spacing} & user specified & \ref{s:b_a}, \ref{s:increase}\\
$H_{q_d}$ & \textit{Horizontal spacing} of \textit{sub block}& user specified & \ref{s:sub}\\
$h$ & height of scaffold & user specified & \ref{s:b_a}\\
$i$ & indexed variable & & \ref{s:b_vertical}, \ref{s:conn}\\
\textbf{J} & matrix for total scaffold geometry & $2$ by $j$ & \ref{s:b_a}\\
\textbf{J}$_{pyramid}$ & matrix for total scaffold geometry (pyramid option) & $2$ by $j_{pyramid}$ & \ref{s:length}\\

$j$ & rows of \textbf{J} & $ \sum_{q} (2* \frac{w_q}{H_q} + 1 + g)*(\frac{180\degree} {\varphi_{q0}})* r_q + g$ & \ref{s:b_a}\\
$j_{pyramid}$ & rows of \textbf{J}$_{pyramid}$ & $p + u * lines_{sum_{odd}}$ & \ref{s:length}\\
$k$ & possible angles & [$0 , (\frac{180\degree}{\varphi_0} -1)] $ & \ref{s:rot}\\
\textbf{M} & matrix for major compound layer& $\sum_{f}$ \textbf{C$_f$} & \ref{s:off}\\

$l_{poly}$ & polygon side length  & $w * \tan\left( \frac{180\degree}{c}\right)$ & \ref{s:length}\\
$l_{ratio}$ & ``useful" length ratio & (0,1) & \ref{s:length}\\
$l_{total}$ & total line length of scaffold & $\sum_{i = 2}^{j_{pyramid}} \sqrt{(x_i - x_{i -1})^2 + (y_i - y_{i -1})^2}$ & \ref{s:length}\\

$l_{useful}$ & ``useful" line length & $2 * l_{useful_{half}}$ &\ref{s:length}\\
$ l_{useful_{half}}$ & half of ``useful" line length & $\sum d_{useful}$ &\ref{s:length}\\
$l_x$ & x interval between the centre of the \textit{sub block} and the origin & [0, $\left(\frac{w_{q_{tot}}}{2} - \frac{w_{q_{d}}}{2}\right)$] &  \ref{s:sub}\\
$l_{x_{d,max}}$ & maximum possible interval from origin & $\left(\frac{w_{q_{tot}}}{2} - \frac{w_{q_{d}}}{2}\right)$&  \ref{s:sub}\\

$lines_{left}$ & additional lines to the left of block & $round\ towards\ zero\ (\frac{u}{b+1})$ & \ref{s:trap}\\
$lines_{left_{odd}}$ & odd number of additional lines of left block & $lines_{left}$ (+1), if necessary& \ref{s:sub}\\

$lines_{right}$ & additional lines to the right of block & $ u - 1 - round\ towards\ zero\ (\frac{u}{b+1})$ & \ref{s:trap}\\

$lines_{right_{odd}}$ & odd number of additional lines of right block &$lines_{right}$ (+1), if necessary& \ref{s:sub}\\

$lines_{sum}$ & additional lines & $lines_{left} +  lines_{right} = u -1$&\ref{s:trap}\\
$lines_{sum}$ & odd number of additional lines & $lines_{sum}$ (+1), if necessary & \ref{s:trap}\\

$m_{poly}$ & slope of polygon side line & (\textbf{-} $\infty$,$\infty$) & \ref{s:length}\\
$m_{scaf}$& slope of scaffold line & (\textbf{-} $\infty$,$\infty$) & \ref{s:length}\\

$n_d$ & repition number of certain \textit{sub block} & [1,$\infty$) & \ref{s:sub}\\
$n_{poly} $ & y-intersept of polygon side line & (\textbf{-} $\infty$,$\infty$) & \ref{s:length}\\
$n_{scaf}$ & y-intersept of scaffold line & (\textbf{-} $\infty$,$\infty$) & \ref{s:length}\\

$o$ & \textit{offset} of minor compound layers & $\frac{H}{b + 1}$ & \ref{s:off}\\

$P$ & intersection point & (\textbf{-} $\infty$,  $\infty$] &\ref{s:length}\\
$P_{purple}$ & intersection point between purple scaffold line and polygon side line ($y_{poly}$)& \lbrack \textbf{-} $\frac{w}{2}$,  $\frac{w}{2}$] &\ref{s:length}\\
$P_{zero}$ & intersection point between purple scaffold line and x axis& (\textbf{-} $\frac{w}{2}$,  $\frac{w}{2}$) &\ref{s:length}\\

$p$ & probability of obtaining a test statistic at least as extreme as the one that was actually observed, [wiki] & (0,1) &  \ref{s:increase}\\

$q$ & amount of major compound layers & user specified & \ref{s:b_a}\\
\textbf{R$_k$} & rotation matrix & {$R_k = \begin{bmatrix} \cos(\varphi_k) & \sin(\varphi_k)\\ - \sin(\varphi_k) & \cos(\varphi_k) \end{bmatrix} $} & \ref{s:rot}\\

%$r_{poly}$ & circumradius of polygon & $\frac{l_{poly} } {2 * \sin(\frac{\pi}{c})}$ & \ref{s:length}\\

$\overline{R}^2$ & modification due to Theil of R$^2$ that adjusts for the number of explanatory terms in a model, [wiki]& (0,1) &  \ref{s:increase}\\

$r$,$r_q$ & amount of minor compound layers & user specified & \ref{s:b_a}, \ref{s:increase}\\
$s$ &  amount of \textit{sub blocks} & user specified &  \ref{s:sub}\\
$t$ & border variable for repetition of \textit{sub blocks} & [1,$s$]& \ref{s:sub}\\

$u$ & total number of layers & $\sum_q r_q$ & \ref{s:trap}\\

$V$ & \textit{Vertical spacing} & user specified & \ref{s:b_a}\\
$w$,$w_q$ & width of block & user specified & \ref{s:b_a}, \ref{s:increase}\\
$w_{new}$& new width of the block to achieve a uniform scaffold with specified width & $w + (r-2)*H$ & \ref{s:increase} \\
$w_{q_d}$ & width of \textit{sub block} & user specified & \ref{s:sub}\\
$w_{q_{tot}}$ & width of block = \textit{layer width} & user specified & \ref{s:sub}\\

$x$ & x coordinate & (\textbf{-} $\infty$,  $\infty$) & \ref{s:b_a}\\

$x_{add}$ & x value of additional point & [\textbf{-} $x_{max}$,  $x_{max}$]& \ref{s:conn}\\
$x_{add_{new}} $& x value of new additional point &  [\textbf{-} $x_{max}$,  $x_{max}$]& \ref{s:conn}\\
$x_{end_{old}}$ & x value of last coordinates of old block & [\textbf{-} $x_{max}$,  $x_{max}$] & \ref{s:conn}\\
$x_{max}$ & x value of scaffold boundary& $\frac{\sqrt{(h + (\frac{w}{H}+2) * V)^2 + w^2)}}{2}$ & \ref{s:conn}\\
$x_{max_{extended}}$ & extended scaffold boundary due to \textit{sub blocks} &$ x_{max_{d}} + l_{x_{d,max}}$& \ref{s:sub}\\
$ x_{max_{d}}$&diagonal value & $\frac{\sqrt{(h + (\frac{w_{q_d}}{H}+2) * V)^2 + w_{q_d}^2)}}{2} $ & \ref{s:sub}\\

$y$ & y coordinate & (\textbf{-} $\infty$,  $\infty$) & \ref{s:b_a}\\

$y_{add}$ & y value of additional point & [\textbf{-} $y_{max}$,  $y_{max}$] & \ref{s:conn}\\
$y_{add_{new}}$ & y value of new additional point &  [\textbf{-} $y_{max}$,  $y_{max}$]  & \ref{s:conn}\\
$y_{end_{old}}$ & y value of last coordinates of old block &  [\textbf{-} $y_{max}$,  $y_{max}$]  & \ref{s:conn}\\
$y_{max}$ & y value of scaffold boundary & $\frac{\sqrt{(h + (\frac{w}{H}+2) * V)^2 + w^2)}}{2}$ & \ref{s:conn}\\
$y_{max_{extended}}$ & extended scaffold boundary due to \textit{sub blocks} &$x_{max_{extended}}$& \ref{s:sub}\\

$y_{poly}$ & line equation for polygon side & $m_{poly} *x + n_{poly}$ & \ref{s:length}\\
$y_{scaf}$ & line equation for scaffold line &$ m_{scaf} *x + n_{scaf}$ & \ref{s:length}\\

$\mathbf{\Phi}$ & vector of angles & $1$ by $k$ & \ref{s:rot}\\
$\varphi_{0}$,$\varphi_{q0}$ & \textit{rotation angle} & user specified: (0,90] & \ref{s:b_a}\\
$\varphi_k$ & angle to rotate block $\frac{180\degree}{(k+1)*\varphi_0}$ & \textbf{-} $\frac{180\degree}{(k+1)*\varphi_0}$ & \ref{s:rot}\\
Was die Tabelle macht, wenn ich extrarowheight groesser stelle: auf jeder zweiten Seite wird der Rand nicht eingehalten, aber die tabelle schiebt nicht einfach ein paar Zeilen auf die naechste Seite.
Danke euch schon mal im Voraus, dass ihr euch die Muehe macht, meine Probleme zu verstehen.
