Timeline verschönern

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Beiträge: 6
Registriert: Di 20. Okt 2015, 20:17

Timeline verschönern

Beitrag von tikzanfaenger »

Hallo an alle,

noch mal eine Frage von mir :D

Ich habe folgendes:
 \timeline[custom interval=true]{Analyse, Design, Impl., Test\&Integr., Abnahme\&Einf., Betrieb\&Wart.} 

 % phases 
 \initialphase{involvement degree=2.25cm,phase color=white} 
 \phase{between week=1 and 2 in -0.1,involvement degree=2.25cm,color=magenta} %Analyse PL3
  \phase{between week=1 and 2 in -0.25,involvement degree=2.25cm,color=black} %Analyse PL5
 \phase{between week=1 and 2 in 0.9,involvement degree=4cm,color=black} %Design PL5
 \phase{between week=1 and 2 in 0.9,involvement degree=3.25cm,color=orange} %Design PL1
  \phase{between week=1 and 2 in 1,involvement degree=2.25cm,color=magenta} %Design PL3
  \phase{between week=1 and 2 in 1,involvement degree=2.25cm,color=red} %Design PL4
    \phase{between week=1 and 2 in 0.8,involvement degree=2.25cm,color=green} %Design PL2
     \phase{between week=2 and 3 in 1.1,involvement degree=3cm,color=black}	%Impl PL5
 \phase{between week=2 and 3 in 1.2,involvement degree=2.25cm,color=red}	%Impl PL4
  \phase{between week=2 and 3 in 1,involvement degree=2.25cm,color=green}	%Impl PL2
 \phase{between week=3 and 4 in 1.2,involvement degree=2.25cm,color=red}	%Test+Int PL4
  \phase{between week=3 and 4 in 1,involvement degree=2.25cm,color=black}	%Test+Int PL5
  \phase{between week=4 and 5 in 0.9,involvement degree=2.25cm,color=orange}	%inbetribnahme PL1
    \phase{between week=4 and 5 in 1.1,involvement degree=2.25cm,color=black}	%inbetribnahme PL5
  \phase{between week=5 and 6 in 1.1,involvement degree=4cm, color=black}  %maint PL5
  \phase{between week=5 and 6 in 1,involvement degree=3.25cm, color=blue}  %maint PL6
   \phase{between week=5 and 6 in 0.9,involvement degree=2.25cm, color=magenta}  %maint PL3
   \phase{between week=5 and 6 in 1.1,involvement degree=2.25cm, color=red}  %maint PL4
      \phase{between week=5 and 6 in 1.4,involvement degree=2.25cm, color=green}  %maint PL2
   timespan/.store in=\timespan, 
   timeline width/.store in=\timelinewidth, 
   timeline width=20, 
   timeline height/.store in=\timelineheight, 
   timeline height=1, 
   timeline offset/.store in=\timelineoffset, 
   timeline offset=0.15, 
   initial week/.store in=\initialweek, 
   initial week=1, 
   end week/.store in=\endweek, 
   end week=2, 
   time point/.store in=\timepoint, 
   time point=0.5, 
   between day/.style args={#1 and #2 in #3}{% auxiliary style for days 
     initial week=#1, 
     end week=#2, 
     time point=#3, 
   between week/.style args={#1 and #2 in #3}{% style for weeks 
     initial week=#1, 
     end week=#2, 
     time point=#3, 
   between month/.style args={#1 and #2 in #3}{% auxiliary style for months 
     initial week=#1, 
     end week=#2, 
     time point=#3, 
   between year/.style args={#1 and #2 in #3}{% auxiliary style for years 
     initial week=#1, 
     end week=#2, 
     time point=#3, 
   involvement degree/.store in=\involvdegree, 
   involvement degree=2cm, 
   phase color/.store in=\phasecol, 
   phase color=red!50!orange, 
   phase appearance/.style={ 
     minimum size=\involvdegree, 
 % settings to customize aspect of timeline 
  custom interval/.is if=custominterval, 
   custom interval=false, 
 % settings to deploy milestones 
   at/.store in=\msstartpoint, 
   circle radius/.store in=\milestonecircleradius, 
   circle radius=0.1cm, 
   direction/.store in=\msdirection, 
   text/.store in=\mstext, 
   text options/.code={\tikzset{#1}}, 
   \draw[fill,opacity=0.8] (0,0) rectangle (\timelinewidth,\timelineheight); 
   \shade[top color=black, bottom color=white,middle color=black!20] 
     (0,0) rectangle (\timelinewidth,-\timelineoffset); 
   \shade[top color=white, bottom color=black,middle color=black!20]   
     (0,\timelineheight) rectangle (\timelinewidth,\timelineheight+\timelineoffset); 
     \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {#2}  {\global\let\maxsmitem\xi}% 
     \foreach \smitem [count=\xi] in {1,...,#2}  {\global\let\maxsmitem\xi}% 
   \node at (0,0.5\timelineheight)(\timespan-0){\phantom{Week 0}}; 
     \foreach \x[count=\xi] in {#2}{% 
       \node[text=white,text depth=0pt]at +(\xi*\position,0.5\timelineheight) (\timespan-\xi) {\timespan\ \x};% 
     \foreach \x[count=\xi] in {1,...,#2}{% 
       \node[text=white, text depth=0pt]at +(\xi*\position,0.5\timelineheight) (\timespan-\xi) {\timespan\ \x};% 
 \node[phase appearance,#1]  
  at ($(\timespan-\initialweek)!\timepoint!(\timespan-\endweek)$){}; 
 \node[phase appearance,#1,anchor=west,between week=0 and 1 in 0,]  
 at ($(\timespan-0)!0!(\timespan-1)$){}; 
 \draw[double,fill] (\msstartpoint) circle [radius=\milestonecircleradius]; 
 \draw(\msstartpoint)--++(\msdirection)node[/tikz/milestone/text options]{\mstext}; 

Das sieht so aus: Bild

Wie kann ich die Größe bzw. die Farbe des Kästchens ändern? (Ich meine das, auf dem Analyse, Design, usw. stehen und gerade schwarz ist.)

Danke im Voraus für Antworten und einen schönen Nachmittag noch.

phasen_65.png (45.56 KiB) 1197 mal betrachtet