Hallo zusammen,
in Tex Live Utility bekomme ich die Aktualisierung von texlive.infra angezeigt, jedoch schlägt diese immer fehl. Kann mir jemand anhand des unten stehenden Logs sagen, was das Problem ist?
Vorab schon einmal vielen Dank!
2023-11-17 23:17:09 +0000 Notice +[TLMEnvironment initialize][6154] Welcome to TeX Live Utility 1.54, running under Mac OS X Version 12.7.1 (Build 21G920) with 10/10 processors active and 32.0 GB physical memory.
2023-11-17 23:17:09 +0000 Notice +[TLMEnvironment _checkProcessUmask][6154] Process umask = 022
2023-11-17 23:17:09 +0000 Notice +[TLMEnvironment updateEnvironment][6154] Setting up a new environment for /usr/local/texlive/2023…
2023-11-17 23:17:09 +0000 Notice +[TLMEnvironment updatePathEnvironment][6154] Using PATH = "(
2023-11-17 23:17:09 +0000 Notice +[TLMEnvironment _checkSystemPythonMajorVersion:minorVersion:][6154] Using python at '/Applications/TeX/TeX Live Utility.app/Contents/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/bin/python3'
2023-11-17 23:17:09 +0000 Notice +[TLMEnvironment _checkSystemPythonMajorVersion:minorVersion:][6154] Python version is 3.9.10 (v3.9.10:f2f3f53782, Jan 13 2022, 16:55:45)
[Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30)]
2023-11-17 23:17:09 +0000 Notice +[TLMEnvironment updateEnvironment][6154] Nothing to update for /usr/local/texlive/2023
2023-11-17 23:17:09 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][6154] Checking the repository version. Please be patient.
2023-11-17 23:17:09 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][6154] Downloading at least 2048 bytes of tlpdb for a version check…
2023-11-17 23:17:09 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][6154] Downloaded 131072 bytes of tlpdb for version check
2023-11-17 23:17:09 +0000 Notice -[TLMEnvironment initWithInstallDirectory:][6154] Looks like you're using TeX Live 2023
2023-11-17 23:17:09 +0000 Notice -[TLMEnvironment _checkForRootPrivileges][6154] Root permission required for installation at /usr/local/texlive/2023
2023-11-17 23:17:09 +0000 Notice +[TLMEnvironment _logEnvironment][6154] Current environment from /usr/bin/env:
2023-11-17 23:17:09 +0000 Notice -[TLMLogWindowController awakeFromNib][6154] Loaded log window controller
2023-11-17 23:17:09 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _reloadFromLocalFile][6154] Reloading local tlpdb from file:///usr/local/texlive/2023/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
2023-11-17 23:17:11 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _reloadFromLocalFile][6154] Took 1.22 seconds to reload local tlpdb
2023-11-17 23:17:11 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][6154] Checking the repository version. Please be patient.
2023-11-17 23:17:11 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][6154] Downloading at least 2048 bytes of tlpdb for a version check…
2023-11-17 23:17:11 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase connection:willSendRequest:redirectResponse:][6154] redirected request to https://markov.htwsaar.de/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
2023-11-17 23:17:11 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][6154] Downloaded 16384 bytes of tlpdb for version check
2023-11-17 23:17:11 +0000 Notice -[TLMEnvironment _getValidServerURL:repositoryYear:fromURL:][6154] Repository version appears to be 2023; a young TeX Live
2023-11-17 23:17:11 +0000 Notice -[TLMFaviconCache downloadIconForURL:delegate:][6154] Will look for favicon at https://markov.htwsaar.de/favicon.ico
2023-11-17 23:17:11 +0000 Notice +[TLMLaunchAgentController pathOfUpdatedAgentForVenturaStupidity][6154] Checking to see if we need to rewrite the launch agent plist because Ventura sucks.
2023-11-17 23:17:11 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _refreshUpdatedPackageListFromLocation:][6154] Refreshing list of updated packages…
2023-11-17 23:17:11 +0000 Notice -[TLMFaviconCache connectionDidFinishLoading:][6154] Finished downloading favicon of length 280
2023-11-17 23:17:13 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _paperSizeCheckTerminated:][6154] System paper size = a4, pdftex paper size = a4
2023-11-17 23:17:13 +0000 Notice -[TLMOperation main][6154] Successfully executed `/Library/TeX/texbin/tlmgr --machine-readable --repository https://www.preining.info/tlgpg/ update --list --all`
2023-11-17 23:17:13 +0000 Notice -[TLMOperation main][6154] start load https://www.preining.info/tlgpg/
finish load https://www.preining.info/tlgpg/
2023-11-17 23:17:13 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _handleListGPGUpdatesFinishedNotification:][6154] Found 0 tlgpg packages to update from https://www.preining.info/tlgpg/
2023-11-17 23:17:13 +0000 Notice -[TLMOperation main][6154] Successfully executed `/Library/TeX/texbin/tlmgr --machine-readable --repository https://markov.htwsaar.de/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/ update --list --all`
2023-11-17 23:17:13 +0000 Notice -[TLMOperation main][6154] start load https://markov.htwsaar.de/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/
finish load https://markov.htwsaar.de/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/
2023-11-17 23:17:14 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _handleListUpdatesFinishedNotification:][6154] Critical updates detected: (
2023-11-17 23:18:32 +0000 Notice -[TLMFaviconCache downloadIconForURL:delegate:][6154] Will look for favicon at http://tug.org/favicon.ico
2023-11-17 23:18:32 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _isCorrectDatabaseVersionAtURL:][6154] Checking database version in case preferences have been changed…
2023-11-17 23:18:32 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][6154] Checking the repository version. Please be patient.
2023-11-17 23:18:32 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][6154] Downloading at least 2048 bytes of tlpdb for a version check…
2023-11-17 23:18:32 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase connection:willSendRequest:redirectResponse:][6154] redirected request to https://tug.org/texlive/tlcritical/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
2023-11-17 23:18:32 +0000 Notice -[TLMFaviconCache connection:willSendRequest:redirectResponse:][6154] Stopping favicon download from https://tug.org/favicon.ico due to redirect
2023-11-17 23:18:32 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][6154] Downloaded 7914 bytes of tlpdb for version check
2023-11-17 23:18:33 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController changeServerURL:][6154] User changed URL to http://tug.org/texlive/tlcritical
2023-11-17 23:18:33 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][6154] Checking the repository version. Please be patient.
2023-11-17 23:18:33 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][6154] Downloading at least 2048 bytes of tlpdb for a version check…
2023-11-17 23:18:33 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase connection:willSendRequest:redirectResponse:][6154] redirected request to https://tug.org/texlive/tlcritical/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
2023-11-17 23:18:33 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][6154] Downloaded 7914 bytes of tlpdb for version check
2023-11-17 23:18:33 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _refreshUpdatedPackageListFromLocation:][6154] Refreshing list of updated packages…
2023-11-17 23:18:35 +0000 Notice -[TLMOperation main][6154] Successfully executed `/Library/TeX/texbin/tlmgr --machine-readable --repository http://tug.org/texlive/tlcritical update --list --all`
2023-11-17 23:18:35 +0000 Notice -[TLMOperation main][6154] start load http://tug.org/texlive/tlcritical
finish load http://tug.org/texlive/tlcritical
2023-11-17 23:18:36 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _handleListUpdatesFinishedNotification:][6154] Critical updates detected: (
2023-11-17 23:18:40 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _isCorrectDatabaseVersionAtURL:][6154] Checking database version in case preferences have been changed…
2023-11-17 23:18:40 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][6154] Checking the repository version. Please be patient.
2023-11-17 23:18:40 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][6154] Downloading at least 2048 bytes of tlpdb for a version check…
2023-11-17 23:18:40 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase connection:willSendRequest:redirectResponse:][6154] redirected request to https://tug.org/texlive/tlcritical/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
2023-11-17 23:18:40 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][6154] Downloaded 7914 bytes of tlpdb for version check
2023-11-17 23:18:40 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _updateAllPackagesFromRepository:][6154] Beginning infrastructure update from http://tug.org/texlive/tlcritical
2023-11-17 23:18:40 +0000 Notice -[TLMInfraUpdateOperation _synchronouslyDownloadURL:toPath:][6154] Downloading URL: http://tug.org/texlive/tlcritical/update-tlmgr-latest.sh
2023-11-17 23:18:40 +0000 Notice -[TLMInfraUpdateOperation download:willSendRequest:redirectResponse:][6154] Download redirected to http://tug.org/texlive/tlcritical/update-tlmgr-latest.sh, expecting 0 bytes.
2023-11-17 23:18:40 +0000 Notice -[TLMInfraUpdateOperation download:willSendRequest:redirectResponse:][6154] Download redirected to https://tug.org/texlive/tlcritical/update-tlmgr-latest.sh, expecting 265 bytes.
2023-11-17 23:18:41 +0000 Notice -[TLMInfraUpdateOperation download:didReceiveResponse:][6154] Will download 9450986 bytes…
2023-11-17 23:18:41 +0000 Notice -[TLMInfraUpdateOperation download:didReceiveDataOfLength:][6154] Received 20% of 9450986 bytes…
2023-11-17 23:18:41 +0000 Notice -[TLMInfraUpdateOperation download:didReceiveDataOfLength:][6154] Received 41% of 9450986 bytes…
2023-11-17 23:18:41 +0000 Notice -[TLMInfraUpdateOperation download:didReceiveDataOfLength:][6154] Received 61% of 9450986 bytes…
2023-11-17 23:18:41 +0000 Notice -[TLMInfraUpdateOperation download:didReceiveDataOfLength:][6154] Received 82% of 9450986 bytes…
2023-11-17 23:18:42 +0000 Notice -[TLMInfraUpdateOperation downloadDidFinish:][6154] Download of 9450986 bytes complete
2023-11-17 23:18:42 +0000 Notice -[TLMInfraUpdateOperation _downloadUpdateScript][6154] First line of downloaded file is: "#!/bin/sh"…good!
2023-11-17 23:18:42 +0000 Notice -[TLMInfraUpdateOperation _synchronouslyDownloadURL:toPath:][6154] Downloading URL: http://tug.org/texlive/tlcritical/update-tlmgr-latest.sh.sha512
2023-11-17 23:18:42 +0000 Notice -[TLMInfraUpdateOperation download:willSendRequest:redirectResponse:][6154] Download redirected to http://tug.org/texlive/tlcritical/update-tlmgr-latest.sh.sha512, expecting 0 bytes.
2023-11-17 23:18:42 +0000 Notice -[TLMInfraUpdateOperation download:willSendRequest:redirectResponse:][6154] Download redirected to https://tug.org/texlive/tlcritical/update-tlmgr-latest.sh.sha512, expecting 272 bytes.
2023-11-17 23:18:42 +0000 Notice -[TLMInfraUpdateOperation download:didReceiveResponse:][6154] Will download 153 bytes…
2023-11-17 23:18:42 +0000 Notice -[TLMInfraUpdateOperation download:didReceiveDataOfLength:][6154] Received 100% of 153 bytes…
2023-11-17 23:18:42 +0000 Notice -[TLMInfraUpdateOperation downloadDidFinish:][6154] Download of 153 bytes complete
2023-11-17 23:18:42 +0000 Notice -[TLMInfraUpdateOperation _compare512][6154] SHA512 signature looks okay
2023-11-17 23:18:42 +0000 Notice -[TLMAuthorizedOperation main][6154] Checking code signature before running tlu_ipctask as root…
2023-11-17 23:18:42 +0000 Notice /usr/bin/codesign[6154] /Applications/TeX/TeX Live Utility.app/Contents/MacOS/tlu_ipctask: valid on disk
/Applications/TeX/TeX Live Utility.app/Contents/MacOS/tlu_ipctask: satisfies its Designated Requirement
2023-11-17 23:18:42 +0000 Notice -[TLMAuthorizedOperation main][6154] Signature was valid, okay to run tlu_ipctask
2023-11-17 23:18:46 +0000 Notice -[TLMAuthorizedOperation main][6154] Invoking privileged task via AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges
2023-11-17 23:18:46 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[6492] dropped privileges to user nobody
2023-11-17 23:18:47 +0000 Notice -[TLMAuthorizedOperation setWrapperPID:][6154] tlu_ipctask checking in: tlu_ipctask pid = 6492
2023-11-17 23:18:48 +0000 Notice -[TLMAuthorizedOperation setUnderlyingPID:][6154] tlu_ipctask checking in: pid = 6493 (/var/folders/tz/tfcmzql504vf8_rhjtk7p6sw0000gn/T/TLMInfraUpdateOperation.3Qe6yL/update-tlmgr-latest.sh --nox11 -- --debug)
2023-11-17 23:18:48 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[6492] tlu_ipctask: child HOME = '/var/root'
2023-11-17 23:18:48 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[6492] tlu_ipctask: current HOME = '/var/empty'
2023-11-17 23:18:48 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[6492] Verifying archive integrity... All good.
2023-11-17 23:18:48 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] 0% 44% 88% 100% /var/folders/tz/tfcmzql504vf8_rhjtk7p6sw0000gn/T/TLMInfraUpdateOperation.3Qe6yL/update-tlmgr-latest.sh: line 204: /dev/tty: Device not configured
2023-11-17 23:18:48 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[6492] Uncompressing TeX Live Manager Updater
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[6492] ./runme.sh: updating in /usr/local/texlive/2023...
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[6492] ./runme.sh: tlmgr version says this is TeX Live 2023,
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[6492] ./runme.sh: and this updater script created: Fri Nov 17 02:13:08 CET 2023.
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[6492] ./runme.sh: proceeding with tlmgr update.
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + test x = x--upgrade
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + echo './runme.sh: proceeding with tlmgr update.'
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + mv ./master/bin .
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + mkdir ./installer
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + mv ./master/tlpkg/installer/tar.exe ./installer
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + mv ./master/tlpkg/installer/xz ./installer
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + mv ./master/tlpkg/installer/wget ./installer
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + mv ./master/tlpkg/installer/lz4 ./installer
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + cd master
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + tar cf - LICENSE.CTAN LICENSE.TL README README.usergroups index.html readme-html.dir readme-txt.dir release-texlive.txt texmf-dist tlpkg
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + cd /usr/local/texlive/2023
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + tar xf -
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + t_instdir=/usr/local/texlive/2023/tlpkg/installer
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + t_xzdir=/usr/local/texlive/2023/tlpkg/installer/xz
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + t_wgetdir=/usr/local/texlive/2023/tlpkg/installer/wget
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + mkdir -p /usr/local/texlive/2023/tlpkg/installer/xz /usr/local/texlive/2023/tlpkg/installer/wget
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + src_tlpobj=master/tlpkg/tlpobj
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + tlpobjs=master/tlpkg/tlpobj/texlive.infra.tlpobj
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + test -n 1
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] pwd
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] ++ pwd
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + : 'here (/var/folders/tz/tfcmzql504vf8_rhjtk7p6sw0000gn/T/selfgz649327856):'
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + ls
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] bin
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] installer
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] master
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] runme.sh
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + : installer:
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + ls installer
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] lz4
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] tar.exe
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] wget
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] xz
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + : installer/wget:
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + ls installer/wget
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + : installer/xz:
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + ls installer/xz
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + : ROOT/bin=/usr/local/texlive/2023/bin:
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + ls /usr/local/texlive/2023/bin
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] universal-darwin
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + for a in '"$ROOT"/bin/*'
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + test -d /usr/local/texlive/2023/bin/universal-darwin
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] basename "$a"
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] ++ basename /usr/local/texlive/2023/bin/universal-darwin
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + b=universal-darwin
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + test universal-darwin = man
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + echo './runme.sh: updating /usr/local/texlive/2023/bin/universal-darwin ...'
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + tlpobjs='master/tlpkg/tlpobj/texlive.infra.tlpobj master/tlpkg/tlpobj/texlive.infra.universal-darwin.tlpobj'
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[6492] ./runme.sh: updating /usr/local/texlive/2023/bin/universal-darwin ...
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + cd bin
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + tar cf - universal-darwin
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + cd /usr/local/texlive/2023/bin
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + tar xf -
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + test -r installer/xz/xz.universal-darwin
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + test -r installer/xz/xz.universal-darwin.exe
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + echo universal-darwin
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + egrep 'win32|windows'
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] pwd
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] ++ pwd
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + echo './runme.sh: no xz.[universal-darwin][.exe] binary for /usr/local/texlive/2023/bin/universal-darwin in /var/folders/tz/tfcmzql504vf8_rhjtk7p6sw0000gn/T/selfgz649327856/installer/xz.'
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] ./runme.sh: no xz.[universal-darwin][.exe] binary for /usr/local/texlive/2023/bin/universal-darwin in /var/folders/tz/tfcmzql504vf8_rhjtk7p6sw0000gn/T/selfgz649327856/installer/xz.
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[6492] + exit 1
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Notice -[TLMAuthorizedOperation _runUntilChildExit][6154] kqueue noted that pid 6493 exited (/var/folders/tz/tfcmzql504vf8_rhjtk7p6sw0000gn/T/TLMInfraUpdateOperation.3Qe6yL/update-tlmgr-latest.sh --nox11 -- --debug)
2023-11-17 23:18:49 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[6492] child process pid = 6493 exited
2023-11-17 23:18:50 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[6492] exit status of pid = 6493 was 1
2023-11-17 23:18:50 +0000 Notice -[TLMAuthorizedOperation _runUntilChildExit][6154] exit status of pid = 6492 was 1
2023-11-17 23:18:50 +0000 Notice -[TLMAuthorizedOperation _runUntilChildExit][6154] kqueue noted that tlu_ipctask (pid = 6492) exited with status 1
2023-11-17 23:18:50 +0000 Notice -[TLMInfraUpdateOperation main][6154] Removed temp directory "/var/folders/tz/tfcmzql504vf8_rhjtk7p6sw0000gn/T/TLMInfraUpdateOperation.3Qe6yL"
Update texlive.infra schlägt fehl Thema ist als GELÖST markiert
- Forum-Anfänger
- Beiträge: 16
- Registriert: So 19. Jun 2022, 17:54
- Stefan Kottwitz
- Admin
- Beiträge: 2680
- Registriert: Di 8. Jul 2008, 00:39
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: Update texlive.infra schlägt fehl
Das wurde auf der tex-d-l Liste diskutiert, und anscheinend hat dort
im Terminal geholfen.
sudo tlmgr update --self
- Forum-Anfänger
- Beiträge: 16
- Registriert: So 19. Jun 2022, 17:54
Re: Update texlive.infra schlägt fehl
Jawoll, hat einwandfrei geklappt
Vielen Dank für die schnelle Hilfe
Vielen Dank für die schnelle Hilfe