Latex.exe and many other files not found... but path is okay

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Latex.exe and many other files not found... but path is okay

Beitrag von tst »


I have the following problem with new miktex installations since maybe a half year. I can't use the preview and compiling function. The miktex installation was found and all packages are installed but if I use the Tikzedt I have the following error.
This software is under development. All help/feedback/feature requests/error reports are welcome.
Application data directory is C:\Users\tstein\AppData\Roaming\TikzEdt\TikzEdt\
Working directory is now: C:\Program Files (x86)\TikzEdt\TikzEdt 0.2.3
Compiling document for preview: pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error "C:/Users/tstein/AppData/Local/Temp/TE_temp_preview9840.tex" 
Compilation failed with exit code 1
Compiling document for preview: pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error "C:/Users/tstein/AppData/Local/Temp/TE_temp_preview9840.tex" 
Compilation failed with exit code 1
Compiling document for preview: pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error "C:/Users/tstein/AppData/Local/Temp/TE_temp_preview9840.tex" 
Compilation failed with exit code 1
The same problem I also have with other scripts which use the latex Compilers. They can't find latex.exe whether the path is correct and the normal installation is working with editors like TecnicCenter. After a long time trying I didn't found any solution for this Issue. I can't only explain it that something changed at latex.exe and maybe the transferation of arguments didn't work. One call with arguments is:
"%MikTeXPath%\latex" -interaction=batchmode -file-line-error -main-memory=100000000 -extra-mem-bot=100000000 --extra-mem-top=8000000 -font-mem-size=2000000 -jobname %PicName%-ext "%tmp%"
Every path are okay and working with older versions of Miktex. You can see the output of my batch file in the attached picture.

Does anyone have some experience there? How can I change it in my scripts and also in TikzEdt?

Directly from TexnicCenter I can compile everything.

Thank you very much in advance and best regards

Error during Skript start
Error during Skript start
Latex_Error.JPG (114.17 KiB) 2080 mal betrachtet


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