Harvard Citation Style

Erstellung eines Literaturverzeichnisses mit BibTeX, Biber, BibLaTeX und Co.


Beitrag von katha »

Also ich habe diese Vorlage für meine Quellen gefunden.

Das Problem ist aber, dass es irgendwie nicht so mit harvard harmoniert. Wenn ich bei book z.B. eine URL angebe (z. B. Springerlink) dann kommen Fehler, wieso ist dann in der Template unter book dann das Feld URL mit drin? Gibt es so eine Vorlage auch für Harvard, die mir genau sagt, was Pflicht ist und welche Fehlder optional sind und welche Felder nicht belegt werden dürfen?!?!
This is a bibTeX template file, particularly for IEEE publications (but very
useful for other documents too). It provides all entries with all allowed
fields as defined in IEEEtran.bst and brief additional information to the
entries. Copy an entry to your .bib file, as required. Field names in capital
letters are required, all others are optional.  For a precise documentation of
the usage of IEEEtran.bst refer to

|     How to Use the IEEEtran BIBTEX Style
|         Michael Shell, Member, IEEE
| http://www.michaelshell.org/tex/ieeetran/bibtex/

Last update: Dec. 7, 2009 - Georg Piewald [piewald@student.tugraz.at]

Include in the .tex file with:

Name specification:
  First von Last
  von Last, First
  von Last, Jr, First

Macros for months (include without "" or {}):
  jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
Multiple months:     month = sep # "/" # oct,
Month and day:       month = dec # " 5--9,",

The 'language'-field can be used to provide special
hyphenation patterns in other languages.

Special entries (add an <at> symbol at the beginning)
  String {maintainer = "Georg Piewald"}
  preamble { "Maintained by " # maintainer }
  preamble {"This bibliography was generated on \today"}

Entry overview:
  inproceedings / conference
  electronic (IEEEtran.bst extension)
  patent     (IEEEtran.bst extension)
  periodical (IEEEtran.bst extension)
  standard   (IEEEtran.bst extension)

For journal articles
Use the predefined strings in IEEEabrv.bib for 'journal'
  AUTHOR        = "",
  TITLE         = "",
  language      = "",
  JOURNAL       = "",
  volume        = "",
  number        = "",
  pages         = "",
  month         = "",
  YEAR          = "",
  note          = "",
  url           = ""

For books
Author AND/OR editor must be present
'edition' should be written as a word up to 10th: edition = "Second",
  AUTHOR        = "",
  EDITOR        = "",
  TITLE         = "",
  language      = "",
  edition       = "",
  series        = "",
  address       = "",
  PUBLISHER     = "",
  month         = "",
  YEAR          = "",
  volume        = "",
  number        = "",
  note          = "",
  url           = ""

For chapters or sections within books
Author and/or editor must be present
'type' overrides the word 'ch.' (chapter) if the book uses
  sections or parts. eg.: type = "sec."
  AUTHOR        = "",
  EDITOR        = "",
  TITLE         = "",
  language      = "",
  edition       = "",
  series        = "",
  address       = "",
  PUBLISHER     = "",
  month         = "",
  YEAR          = "",
  volume        = "",
  number        = "",
  chapter       = "",
  type          = "",
  pages         = "",
  note          = "",
  url           = ""

To reference part of a book having its own title
  AUTHOR        = "",
  TITLE         = "",
  BOOKTITLE     = "",
  language      = "",
  edition       = "",
  series        = "",
  editor        = "",
  address       = "",
  publisher     = "",
  month         = "",
  YEAR          = "",
  volume        = "",
  number        = "",
  chapter       = "",
  type          = "",
  pages         = "",
  note          = "",
  url           = ""

For printed and bound works that are not formally published
  author        = "",
  TITLE         = "",
  language      = "",
  edition       = "",
  howpublished  = "",
  organization  = "",
  address       = "",
  month         = "",
  year          = "",
  note          = "",
  url           = ""

Technical documentation
  author        = "",
  TITLE         = "",
  language      = "",
  edition       = "",
  howpublished  = "",
  organization  = "",
  address       = "",
  month         = "",
  year          = "",
  note          = "",
  url           = ""

For papers in conference proceedings
'inprocedings' is identical to 'conference'
Days of the conference may be added,  e.g.: month = dec # " 5--9,",
'intype' overrides the literal 'in',  e.g.: intype = "presented at the",
'paper' if there is a paper number,   e.g.: paper = "11.3.4",
'type' overrides the literal 'paper', e.g.: type = "postdeadline paper",
  AUTHOR        = "",
  TITLE         = "",
  intype        = "",
  BOOKTITLE     = "",
  language      = "",
  series        = "",
  editor        = "",
  volume        = "",
  number        = "",
  organization  = "",
  address       = "",
  publisher     = "",
  month         = "",
  YEAR          = "",
  paper         = "",
  type          = "",
  pages         = "",
  note          = "",
  url           = ""

To refer to an entire conference proceedings
  editor        = "",
  TITLE         = "",
  language      = "",
  series        = "",
  volume        = "",
  number        = "",
  organization  = "",
  address       = "",
  publisher     = "",
  month         = "",
  YEAR          = "",
  note          = "",
  url           = ""

Master's or Minor's thesis
'type' overrides the words "Master's thesis", e.g.: type = "M. Eng. thesis",
  AUTHOR        = "",
  TITLE         = "",
  language      = "",
  type          = "",
  SCHOOL        = "",
  address       = "",
  month         = "",
  YEAR          = "",
  note          = "",
  url           = ""

PhD dissertation
'type' overrides the words "Ph.D. dissertation"
  AUTHOR        = "",
  TITLE         = "",
  language      = "",
  type          = "",
  SCHOOL        = "",
  address       = "",
  month         = "",
  YEAR          = "",
  note          = "",
  url           = ""

Technical reports
'type' overrides the words "Tech. Rep.", e.g.: type = "M. Eng. thesis",
May also be used for standards submission reports
  AUTHOR        = "",
  TITLE         = "",
  language      = "",
  howpublished  = "",
  address       = "",
  number        = "",
  type          = "",
  month         = "",
  YEAR          = "",
  note          = "",
  url           = ""

For documents that have not been formally published
  AUTHOR        = "",
  TITLE         = "",
  language      = "",
  month         = "",
  year          = "",
  NOTE          = "unpublished",
  url           = ""

For internet references (IEEEtran.bst extension)
  author        = "",
  month         = "",
  year          = "",
  title         = "",
  language      = "",
  howpublished  = "",
  organization  = "",
  address       = "",
  note          = "",
  url           = ""

Patents (IEEEtran.bst extension)
'nationality' should be an adjective, e.g. "Japanese" in stead of "Japan"
'type' overrides the word "Patent", e.g.: type = "Patent Request",
Use EITHER 'year', 'month', 'day' to mean the date the patent was granted
OR 'yearfiled', 'monthfiled', 'dayfiled' for the date the patent was filed
  author        = "",
  title         = "",
  language      = "",
  assignee      = "",
  address       = "",
  type          = "",
  NUMBER        = "",
  day           = "",
  dayfiled      = "",
  month         = "",
  monthfiled    = "",
  YEAR          = "",
  YEARFILED     = "",
  note          = "",
  url           = ""

For journals and magazines (IEEEtran.bst extension)
  editor        = "",
  TITLE         = "",
  language      = "",
  series        = "",
  volume        = "",
  number        = "",
  organization  = "",
  month         = "",
  YEAR          = "",
  note          = "",
  url           = ""

For formally published standards
Use EITHER 'institution' OR 'organization'
'type' overrides the words "std.", e.g.: type = "Working Draft Proposed Standard",
May also be used for standards submission reports
  author        = "",
  TITLE         = "",
  language      = "",
  howpublished  = "",
  type          = "",
  number        = "",
  revision      = "",
  address       = "",
  month         = "",
  year          = "",
  note          = "",
  url           = ""

When none of the other entry types are applicable
Possible applications: technical reports that lack an institution,
         white papers, data sheets, etc
  author        = "",
  title         = "",
  language      = "",
  howpublished  = "",
  organization  = "",
  address       = "",
  pages         = "",
  month         = "",
  year          = "",
  note          = "",
  url           = ""


Private communication: use 'misc' with the 'note'-field saying
  "private communication" or "personal correspondence"

Software packages: Refer to the user manual. If the SW is only distributed
  online, use 'electronic'

Laws and Regulations: Use 'misc' with the regulation number in 'howpublished'

Internet RFCs: Use 'misc' with the RFC number in 'howpublished'. Also provide a


Beitrag von katha »

Hey Leute,

also das Problem mit dem bibtemplates (bekomme immer Fehler weil ich wohl zuviele oder zu wenige Felder belege, bzw. die Templates mit harvard nicht so harmonieren) würde sich ja erledigen, wenn ich die Harvardbibliography am Ende selber schreiben könnte.

Nur überschreibt mir Latex immer die .bbl Datei (z. B. mit agsm). Außerdem verstehe ich noch nicht so richtig, was
\harvardyearleft 2010\harvardyearright
zu bedeuten hat, und warum dann in der Bibliography automatisch Klammern um das Jahr gemacht werden.

Letztendlich möchte ich das harvard paket nur zum referenzieren benutzen, die Bibliography aber selber gestalten. Nur leider wird die immer wieder überschrieben und ich kann nirgends nachlesen, welche Begriffe es alles gibt (\harvardyearright) und wofür die gut sind ....

Hoffe ich konnte mich verständlich ausdrücken, schonmal vielen Dank für die netten Antworten von euch! ;)

Liebe Grüße

