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Probleme mit biblatex und APA-Style

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von T:-)M

ich habe ein Problem mit meinen Quellenangaben mit biblatex nach APA-Style.
Folgendes sollte eigentlich nach APA-Style anders laufen:

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Autor, X., & Autor Y. (Komma vor &)

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Hat von euch jemand eine Idee, was das sein könnte?
Ich würde mich sehr freuen.
Alle Dateien und Minimalbeispiel habe ich angehängt.

Vielen Dank und Grüße
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  author =        {Adjei, Joseph K.},
  title =         {Explaining the Role of Trust in Cloud Service Acquisition},
  journal =       {2014 2nd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services, and Engineering},
  year =          {2014},
  volume =        {0},
  pages =         {283--288},
  __markedentry = {[tom:]},
  address =       {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
  doi =           {10.1109/mobilecloud.2014.48},
  publisher =     {IEEE Computer Society}

  author      = {Armbrust, Michael and Fox, Armando and Griffith, Rean and Joseph, Anthony D. and Katz, Randy H. and Konwinski, Andrew and Lee, Gunho and Patterson, David A. and Rabkin, Ariel and Stoica, Ion and Zaharia, Matei},
  title       = {Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing},
  institution = {EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley},
  year        = {2009},
  number      = {UCB/EECS-2009-28},
  url         = {},
  abstract    = {Provided certain obstacles are overcome, we believe Cloud Computing has the potential to transform a large part of the IT industry, making software even more attractive as a service and shaping the way IT hardware is designed and purchased.  Developers with innovative ideas for new interactive Internet services no longer require the large capital outlays in hardware to deploy their service or the human expense to operate it. They need not be concerned about over-provisioning for a service whose popularity does not meet their predictions, thus wasting costly resources, or under-provisioning for one that becomes wildly popular, thus missing potential customers and revenue. Moreover, companies with large batch-oriented tasks can get their results as quickly as their programs can scale, since using 1000 servers for one hour costs no more than using one server for 1000 hours. This elasticity of resources, without paying a premium for large scale, is unprecedented in the history of IT.  The economies of scale of very large-scale datacenters combined with  ``pay-as-you-go'' resource usage has heralded the rise of Cloud Computing. It is now attractive to deploy an innovative new Internet service on a third party's Internet Datacenter rather than your own infrastructure, and to gracefully scale its resources as it grows or declines in popularity and revenue. Expanding and shrinking daily in response to normal diurnal patterns could lower costs even further. Cloud Computing transfers the risks of over-provisioning or under-provisioning to the Cloud Computing provider, who mitigates that risk by statistical multiplexing over a much larger set of users and who offers relatively low prices due better utilization and from the economy of purchasing at a larger scale. We define terms, present an economic model that quantifies the key buy vs. pay-as-you-go decision, offer a spectrum to classify Cloud Computing providers, and give our view of the top 10 obstacles and opportunities to the growth of Cloud Computing.},

  author =        {Backhaus, Nils and Brandenburg, Stefan},
  title =         {Unboxing Trust in Cloud Computing. A Survey Study},
  booktitle =     {5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics},
  year =          {2014},
  __markedentry = {[thomasgruber:]},
  institution =   {Technische Universität Berlin}

  author        = {Backhaus, Nils and Thüring, Manfred},
  title         = {Ãœber den Wolken: Vertrauen und User Experience in der Cloud.},
  year          = {2014},
  pages         = {75--84},
  __markedentry = {[thomasgruber:]},
  journal       = {Mittelstand-Digital, Ausgabe 3},

  author        = {Backhaus, Nils and Thüring, Manfred},
  title         = {Vertrauen in Cloud Computing: Für und Wider aus Nutzersicht},
  institution   = {Technische Universität Berlin},
  year          = {2016},
  __markedentry = {[thomasgruber:]},

  author      = {Bär, N.},
  title       = {Human-Computer Interaction and Online Users' Trust: Measurement of Online Users' Trust in Websites, its Relationship with User Experience and Security Usability (Dissertation)},
  institution = {Technische Universität Chemnitz},
  year        = {2014},

  author =        {Baun, Christian AND Kunze, Marcel AND Nimis, Jens AND Tai, Stefan AND Kunze, Marcel AND Nimis, Jens AND Tai, Stefan},
  title =         {Cloud Computing - Web-basierte dynamische IT-Services},
  year =          {2011},
  edition =       {2. Aufl.},
  publisher =     {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
  isbn =          {978-3-642-18435-2},
  __markedentry = {[tom:1]},
  address =       {Wiesbaden}

  author      = {Beierlein, Constanze and Kemper, Christoph. J. and Kovaleva, Ananstassiya and Rammstedt, Beatrice},
  title       = {Kurzskala zur Messung des zwischenmenschlichen Vertrauens : die Kurzskala Interpersonales Vertrauen (KUSIV3)},
  institution = {GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften},
  year        = {2012},
  location    = {Mannheim},

  author    = {Beldad, Ardion and De Jong, Menno and Steehouder, Micha{\"e}l},
  title     = {How shall I trust the faceless and the intangible? A literature review on the antecedents of online trust},
  year      = {2010},
  volume    = {26},
  number    = {5},
  pages     = {857--869},
  journal   = {Computers in Human Behavior},
  publisher = {Elsevier},

  author =    {Beldad, Ardion and de Jong, Menno and Steehouder, Michaël F.},
  title =     {How shall I trust the faceless and the intangible? A literature review on the antecedents of online trust.},
  journal =   {Computers in Human Behavior},
  year =      {2010},
  volume =    {26},
  number =    {5},
  pages =     {857-869},
  url =       {},
  added-at =  {2011-02-18T00:00:00.000+0100},
  biburl =    {},
  ee =        {},
  interhash = {7295755a5644aac6aa90f2c3efc301c3},
  intrahash = {ab7b932f858eaa9e6157c5eff909a4f7},
  keywords =  {dblp},
  timestamp = {2011-04-29T15:22:22.000+0200}

  author = {Berg, Achim},
  title =  {Vortrag im Rahmen der Pressekonferenz zum Cloud Monitor 2015},
  year =   {2015},
  url =    {}

  author   = {Birk, Dominik and Wegener, Christoph},
  title    = {Ãœber den Wolken: Cloud Computing im Ãœberblick},
  year     = {2010},
  volume   = {34},
  number   = {9},
  pages    = {641--645},
  issn     = {1862-2607},
  doi      = {10.1007/s11623-010-0152-x},
  url      = {},
  abstract = {Cloud Computing entwickelt sich aktuell zu einem echten Trend: Cloud Dienste findet man nahezu {\"u}berall, sie reichen von Produkten von Amazons Web Services {\"u}ber die Angebote von Microsofts Azure bis zu verschiedensten Diensten des Anbieters Google, um nur einige Akteure in diesem Feld zu nennen. Auch rund um das Thema E-Mail sind Cloud-Angebote auf dem Markt, bei denen die besonderen Gegebenheiten der E-Mail-Compliance in der Cloud zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen sind. Oft wird die Cloud aber auch im Zusammenhang mit Angeboten genannt, die {\"u}berhaupt nichts mit Cloud Computing zu tun haben. Hier mangelt es an einer sauberen Abgrenzung zwischen den verschiedenen M{\"o}glichkeiten rund um das Thema Cloud Computing. Dieser Beitrag soll eine erste {\"u}bersicht {\"u}ber das Thema Cloud Computing mit seinen verschiedenen Erscheinungsformen geben und dabei vor allem auch aufzeigen, wo etwaige Probleme im Bereich Datensicherheit, Datenschutz und Compliance liegen k{\"o}nnen.},
  journal  = {Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD},

  author = {Bitkom},
  title  = {Cloud Monitor 2015},
  year   = {2015},
  url    = {},
  month  = {April},

  author = {Bitkom},
  title  = {Cloud Monitor 2016},
  year   = {2016},
  url    = {},
  month  = {Mai},

  author       = {Blank, Grant and Dutton, William H.},
  title        = {Age and Trust in the Internet: The Centrality of Experience and Attitudes Toward Technology in Britain},
  journaltitle = {Social Sience Computer Review 30(2), S. 135-151},
  year         = {2012},
  file         = {../Quellen/Grand and Dutton - Age and Trust in the Internet 2012.pdf},

  author      = {Bohn, Ursula},
  title       = {{Vertrauen in Organisationen: Welchen Einfluss haben Reorganisationsmaßnahmen auf Vertrauensprozesse? Eine Fallstudie}},
  institution = {Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München},
  year        = {2007},
  date        = {16.07.2007},

  author      = {Bothe, Steffen},
  title       = {Datenschutz und Datensicherheit im Cloud Computing},
  institution = {Universität Bremen},
  year        = {2012},
  date        = {05.06.2012},

  author = {{Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
  title  = {Cloud Computing Grundlagen},
  year   = {2016},
  url    = {},

  author       = {Buch, Meike and Gebauer, Lysanne and Hoffmann, Holger},
  title        = {Vertrauen in Cloud Computing schaffen - aber wie?},
  journaltitle = {Wirtschaftsinformatik \& Management},
  year         = {2014},
  volume       = {3},
  pages        = {67--77},

  author    = {Burdick, D.C. and Sunkyo Kwon, P.D.D.P.},
  title     = {Gerotechnology: Research and Practice in Technology and Aging},
  year      = {2004},
  publisher = {Springer Publishing Company},
  isbn      = {9780826197535},
  url       = {},

  author = {},
  title  = {Die Community Cloud - das Beste aus mehreren Welten},
  year   = {2012},
  date   = {05.11.2012},
  url    = {},

  author       = {E. Castle and N. I. Eisenberger and T. E. Seeman and W. G. Moons and I. A. Boggero and M. S. Grinblatt and S. E. Taylor},
  title        = {Neural and behavioral bases of age differences in perceptions of trust},
  journaltitle = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America},
  year         = {2012},
  volume       = {109},
  number       = {51},
  month        = {dec},
  pages        = {20848--20852},
  doi          = {},
  url          = {},
  journal      = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
  publisher    = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},

  author       = {Brian J. Corbitt and Theerasak Thanasankit and Han Yi},
  title        = {{Trust and e-commerce: a study of consumer perceptions}},
  journaltitle = {Electronic Commerce Research and Applications},
  year         = {2003},
  date         = {18.4.2003},
  volume       = {2},
  pages        = {203--215},

  author = {Simmonds, Paul and Rezek, Chris and Reed, Archie},
  editor = {CSA - cloud security alliance},
  title  = {security guidance for critical areas of focus in cloud computing v3.0},
  year   = {2011},
  url    = {},

  author = {Sievers, Björn},
  title  = {Edelman Trust Barometer 2011},
  year   = {2011},
  date   = {26.01.2011},
  url    = {},

  author =        {Elsenpeter, Robert C. AND Velte, Toby AND Velte, Anthony},
  title =         {Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach},
  year =          {2010},
  edition =       {1. Aufl.},
  publisher =     {McGraw Hill Professional},
  isbn =          {978-0-07-162694-1},
  __markedentry = {[tom:1]},
  address =       {Madison}

  author =        {Erl, Thomas AND Puttini, Ricardo AND Mahmood, Zaigham},
  title =         {Cloud Computing - Concepts, Technology \& Architecture},
  year =          {2013},
  edition =       {1. Aufl.},
  publisher =     {Prentice Hall},
  isbn =          {978-0-13-338752-0},
  __markedentry = {[tom:1]},
  address =       {London}

  author      = {Eurostat},
  title       = {Internetnutzung von Personen im Jahr 2014},
  type        = {resreport},
  institution = {Eurostat},
  year        = {2014},
  date        = {16.12.2014},

  author       = {Mohamed Firdhous and Osman Ghazali and Suhaidi Hassan},
  title        = {Trust Management in Cloud Computing: {A} Critical Review},
  journaltitle = {International Journal on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions},
  year         = {2011},
  volume       = {4},
  pages        = {24--36},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,},
  biburl       = {},
  journal      = {CoRR},
  timestamp    = {Sat, 01 Dec 2012 20:32:37 +0100},

  author =        {Fröschle, Hans-Peter AND Reinheimer, Stefan},
  title =         {Cloud Computing \& SaaS - HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 275},
  year =          {2010},
  edition =       {1. Aufl.},
  publisher =     {dpunkt.verlag},
  isbn =          {978-3-89864-675-8},
  __markedentry = {[tom:1]},
  address =       {Heidelberg}

  author =        {(Hrsg.), Hans-Peter Fröschle AND Fröschle, Hans-Peter},
  title =         {Cloud-Service-Management - HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 288},
  year =          {2012},
  edition =       {1. Aufl.},
  publisher =     {dpunkt.verlag},
  isbn =          {978-3-864-91226-9},
  __markedentry = {[tom:1]},
  address =       {Heidelberg}

  author        = {Sato, Masaharu},
  title         = {Personal data in the cloud: The importance of trust},
  institution   = {Fujitsu},
  year          = {2010},
  __markedentry = {[thomasgruber:]},
  file          = {../Quellen/Sato - Fujitsu - Personal data in the cloud - 2010.pdf},

  author = {Gartner, Ami Ann},
  editor = {Gartner},
  title  = {Gartner Says by 2020 "Cloud Shift" Will Affect More Than \$1 Trillion in IT Spending},
  year   = {2016},
  date   = {20.07.2016},
  url    = {},
  month  = {Juli},

  author = {Gartner, Ami Ann},
  editor = {Gartner},
  title  = {Gartner Says Worldwide Public Cloud Services Market to Grow 17 Percent in 2016},
  year   = {2016},
  date   = {15.09.2016},
  url    = {},
  month  = {Juli},

  author     = {Gebauer, L. and Söllner, M. and Leimeister, J. M.},
  title      = {Vertrauensproblematiken im Cloud-Computing-Umfeld},
  booktitle  = {Cloud-Services aus der Geschäftsperspektive},
  year       = {2016},
  bookauthor = {Krcmar, H. and Leimeister, J. M. and Roßnagel, A. and Sunyaev, A.},
  publisher  = {Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden},
  chapter    = {6},
  pages      = {59--69},

  author       = {Geoffrey Ho and Dana Wheatley and Charles T. Scialfa},
  title        = {Age differences in trust and reliance of a medication management system},
  journaltitle = {Interacting with Computers},
  year         = {2005},
  volume       = {17},
  pages        = {690--710},

  author =   { Dan J. Kim },
  title =    {A Study of the Multilevel and Dynamic Nature of Trust in E-Commerce from a Cross-Stage Perspective},
  journal =  {International Journal of Electronic Commerce},
  year =     {2014},
  volume =   {19},
  number =   {1},
  pages =    {11--64},
  url =      {},
  abstract = { Trust in e-commerce is a multilevel construct (intrapersonal, system, and interpersonal), and trust building is a dynamic evolutionary process that can be adjusted over time when additional evidence of new interactions becomes available. From a consumer's perspective in a business-to-consumer e-commerce context, there are at least two trustees: the Internet as a shopping channel (the e-channel—system level) and an Internet selling party or Internet vendor (the e-vendor—interpersonal level) as a business partner. Understanding the multilevel and dynamic nature of trust in e-commerce is important because it not only provides practical insights that can be used to further enhance the online experiences for both online managers and consumers but also extends our conceptual foundations of trust. Although the multilevel and dynamic nature of trust is a crucial characteristic of trust in e-commerce, there is little empirical research. To fill this knowledge gap, this study proposes a multilevel model of e-channel and e-vendor trust, including trust propensity (intrapersonal level) from a cross-stage (pre- and postpurchase) perspective. This study also proposes a relatively new construct, the consumer's perceived delivery fulfillment in e-commerce. Implications of the findings for theory and practice as well as limitations and avenues for future study are discussed. },
  doi =      {10.2753/JEC1086-4415190101},
  eprint =   { }

  author =        {Labes, Stine},
  title =         {{Grundlagen des Cloud Computing - Konzept und Bewertung von Cloud Computing}},
  year =          {2012},
  date =          {11.2012},
  volume =        {1},
  publisher =     {Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin},
  __markedentry = {[thomasgruber:]},
  institution =   {Technische Universität Berlin}

  author       = {Laguna, Kerrie AND Babcock, Renée L.},
  title        = {{Computer anxiety in young and older adults: Implications for human-computer interactions in older populations}},
  journaltitle = {Computers in Human Behaviour},
  year         = {1997},
  date         = {August 1997},
  volume       = {Vol. 13, No. 3},
  pages        = {317--326},
  doi          = {10.1016/s0747-5632(97)00012-5},

  author    = {Lamprecht, Wolfgang},
  title     = {Schaffe Vertrauen, rede darüber und verdiene daran - Kommunikationspraxis und Performance Measurement von Corporate Cultural Responsibility},
  year      = {2013},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  isbn      = {978-3-658-03594-5},
  address   = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York},

  author     = {Lansing, Jens and Sunyaev, Ali},
  title      = {Trust in Cloud Computing: Conceptual Typology and Trust-Building Antecedents},
  year       = {2016},
  volume     = {47},
  number     = {2},
  month      = jun,
  pages      = {58--96},
  issn       = {0095-0033},
  doi        = {10.1145/2963175.2963179},
  url        = {},
  acmid      = {2963179},
  address    = {New York, NY, USA},
  file       = {../Quellen/Trust in Cloud Computing - Conceptual Typology and Trust-Building Antecedents - 2016.pdf},
  issue_date = {May 2016},
  journal    = {SIGMIS Database},
  keywords   = {cloud computing, conceptual, it artifact, it outsourcing, trust},
  numpages   = {39},
  publisher  = {ACM},

  author       = {Lee, John D. and See, Katrina A.},
  title        = {Trust in Automation: Designing for Appropriate Reliance},
  journaltitle = {Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 46, No. 1},
  year         = {2004},
  date         = {04.2004},
  pages        = {50--80},
  booktitle    = {Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 46},

  author       = {Li, Tianyuani AND Fung, Helene H.},
  title        = {{Age Differences in Trust: An Investigation Across 38 Countries}},
  journaltitle = {Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences},
  year         = {2012},
  date         = {28. August},
  volume       = {68(3)},
  pages        = {347--355},
  doi          = {10.1093/geronb/gbs072},

  author = {Longmuß, Jörg and Spanner-Ulmer, Birgit and Kullmann, Gerhard and Bullinger, Angelika C.},
  editor = {Technische Universität Chemnitz - Professur Arbeitswissenschaft und GITTA mbH Berlin},
  title  = {Das Konzept Systemvertrauen},
  year   = {2014},

  author =        {Luhmann, Niklas},
  title =         {Vertrauen: Ein Mechanismus der Reduktion sozialer Komplexität},
  year =          {1968},
  publisher =     {Enke Verlag, Stuttgart},
  __markedentry = {[tom:]},
  keywords =      {Vertrauen}

  author = {{Manager Magazin}},
  title  = {Corporate Trust Index (CTI)},
  year   = {2016},
  date   = {12.10.2016},
  url    = {},

  author      = {Marcella, A. J.},
  title       = {Establishing Trust in Vertical Markets},
  institution = {The Institute of Internal Auditors},
  year        = {1999},
  location    = {Alamonte Springs, Florida},

  author =        {Marinescu, Dan C.},
  title =         {Cloud Computing - Theory and Practice},
  year =          {2013},
  edition =       {1. Aufl.},
  publisher =     {Newnes},
  isbn =          {978-0-124-04641-2},
  __markedentry = {[tom:1]},
  address =       {London}

  author    = {Mayer, Roger C. and Davis, James H. and Schoorman, F. David},
  title     = {An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust},
  year      = {1995},
  volume    = {20},
  number    = {3},
  pages     = {709--734},
  issn      = {03637425},
  url       = {},
  abstract  = {Scholars in various disciplines have considered the causes, nature, and effects of trust. Prior approaches to studying trust are considered, including characteristics of the trustor, the trustee, and the role of risk. A definition of trust and a model of its antecedents and outcomes are presented, which integrate research from multiple disciplines and differentiate trust from similar constructs. Several research propositions based on the model are presented.},
  journal   = {The Academy of Management Review},
  publisher = {Academy of Management},

  author =     {McCloskey, Donna Weaver},
  title =      {{The Importance of Ease of Use, Usefulness, and Trust to Online Consumers: An Examination of the Technology Acceptance Model with Older Consumers}},
  booktitle =  {{End User Computing Challenges and Technologies: Emerging Tools and Applications}},
  year =       {2006},
  bookauthor = {Clarke, Steve},
  publisher =  {Information Science Reference},
  location =   {UK},
  chapter =    {15},
  pages =      {259--276}

  author =   {D. Harrison McKnight and Norman L. Chervany},
  title =    {{What Trust Means in E-Commerce Customer Relationships: An Interdisciplinary Conceptual Typology}},
  journal =  {International Journal of Electronic Commerce},
  year =     {2001},
  volume =   {6},
  number =   {2},
  pages =    {35--59},
  url =      {},
  abstract = { Trust is a vital relationship concept that needs clarification because researchers across disciplines have defined it in so many different ways. A typology of trust types would make it easier to compare and communicate results, and would be especially valuable if the types of trust related to one other. The typology should be interdisciplinary because many disciplines research e-commerce. This paper justifies a parsimonious interdisciplinary typology and relates trust constructs to e-commerce consumer actions, defining both conceptual-level and operational-level trust constructs. Conceptual-level constructs consist of disposition to trust (primarily from psychology), institution-based trust (from sociology), and trusting beliefs and trusting intentions (primarily from social psychology). Each construct is decomposed into measurable subconstructs, and the typology shows how trust constructs relate to already existing Internet relationship constructs. The effects of Web vendor interventions on consumer behaviors are posited to be partially mediated by consumer trusting beliefs and trusting intentions in the e-vendor. },
  doi =      {10.1080/10864415.2001.11044235},
  eprint =   { }

  author =    {McKnight, {D. Harrison} and Vivek Choudhury and Charles Kacmar},
  title =     {Developing and validating trust measures for e-commerce: An integrative typology},
  journal =   {Information Systems Research},
  year =      {2002},
  volume =    {13},
  number =    {3},
  pages =     {334--359},
  month =     {9},
  issn =      {1047-7047},
  keywords =  {Disposition, Disposition to Trust, e-Commerce, Institution-Based Trust, Measure, Nomological Network, Site Quality, Trust, Trusting Beliefs, Trusting Intentions, Web Vendor},
  publisher = {INFORMS Inst.for Operations Res.and the Management Sciences}

  author        = {Meinel, Christoph and Sack, Harald},
  title         = {Sicherheit und Vertrauen im Internet: Eine technische Perspektive (essentials) (German Edition)},
  year          = {2014},
  edition       = {2014},
  publisher     = {Springer Vieweg},
  isbn          = {9783658048334},
  url           = {},
  __markedentry = {[thomasgruber:]},
  month         = {Februar},
  price         = {$9.99},
  timestamp     = {2016.08.06},
  totalpages    = {48},

  author    = {Mell, Peter M. and Grance, Timothy},
  title     = {SP 800-145. The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing},
  year      = {2011},
  url       = {},
  address   = {Gaithersburg, MD, United States},
  publisher = {National Institute of Standards \& Technology},

  author    = {Meske, Christian and Stieglitz, Stefan and Vogl, Raimund and Rudolph, Dominik and Oksüz, Ayten},
  title     = {Cloud Storage Services in Higher Education -- Results of a Preliminary Study in the Context of the Sync{\&}Share-Project in Germany},
  booktitle = {Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing and Developing Novel Learning Experiences: First International Conference, LCT 2014, Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2014, Proceedings, Part I},
  year      = {2014},
  editor    = {Zaphiris, Panayiotis and Ioannou, Andri},
  publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
  isbn      = {978-3-319-07482-5},
  pages     = {161--171},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-07482-5_16},
  url       = {},
  address   = {Cham},

  author        = {Möllering, Dr. Guido},
  title         = {Vernebeltes Vertrauen? Cloud Computing aus Sicht der Vertrauensforschung.},
  booktitle     = {Trust in IT - Wann vertrauen Sie Ihr Geschäft der Internet-Cloud an?},
  year          = {2011},
  editor        = {Picot, Arnold AND Hertz, Udo AND Götz, Thomas (Eds.) AND Picot, Arnold AND Hertz, Udo AND Götz, Thomas},
  publisher     = {Springer-Verlag},
  chapter       = {4},
  pages         = {39--47},
  __markedentry = {[thomasgruber:]},
  file          = {../Quellen/Moellering - Vernebeltes Vertrauen - Trust in IT - 2011.pdf},
  journal       = {{A. Picot, u. Hertz, T. Götz (Hrsg.), Trust in IT: Wann vertrauen Sie Ihr Geschäft der Internet-Cloud an? (s. 39-47).}},

  author       = {Morell, R. W. and Mayhorn, C. B. and Echt, Katharina. V.},
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  author      = {Reinmuth, Marcus},
  title       = {Vertrauen schaffen durch glaubwürdige Unternehmenskommunikation},
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  title =         {Cloud Computing Architected},
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  publisher =     {Recursive Press},
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  author =  {Rotter, Julian B.},
  title =   {{Interpersonal trust, trustworthiness, and gullibility}},
  journal = {American Psychologist},
  year =    {1980},
  volume =  {35},
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  title  = {Cloud Computing – Anwendungen auf Abruf},
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  title =   {Online trust: a stakeholder perspective, concepts, implications, and future directions},
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  title =     {Untersuchungen über die Formen der Vergesellschaftung},
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  publisher = {Duncker \& Humblot, Berlin}

  author       = {Söllner, Matthias and Hoffmann, Axel and Hoffmann, Holger and Leimeister, Marco},
  title        = {Vertrauensunterstützung für sozio-technische ubiquitäre Systeme},
  journaltitle = {Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, Ausgabe/Number: 4, Vol. 2012},
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  url           = {},
  __markedentry = {[thomasgruber:]},
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  author       = {Walterbusch, Marc and Teuteberg, Frank},
  title        = {Vertrauen im Cloud Computing},
  journaltitle = {HMD – Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik},
  year         = {2012},
  volume       = {288},
  pages        = {50--59},
  abstract     = {W{\"a}hrend ein Gro{\ss}teil der aktuellen Forschung die Technologie selbst fokussiert, fehlt es an einem genauen Verst{\"a}ndnis dar{\"u}ber, welche Faktoren die Akzeptanz und Adaption von Cloud Computing erkl{\"a}ren. Einer dieser Faktoren ist das Vertrauen. Der Fokus des Beitrags liegt auf den Implikationen f{\"u}r die Praxis, die sich aus Ergebnissen eines Experiments zum Vertrauen im Cloud Computing ergeben. Unter anderem zeichnet sich ab, dass die Informationsasymmetrie zwischen Anbietern und Kunden vor Vertragsabschluss {\"u}berbr{\"u}ckt werden sollte und dass die Kosten bei einer Auswahlentscheidung im Vordergrund stehen.},
  journal      = {HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik},

  author   = {Ye Diana Wang and Henry H. Emurian},
  title    = {An overview of online trust: Concepts, elements, and implications},
  year     = {2005},
  volume   = {21},
  number   = {1},
  pages    = {105 -- 125},
  issn     = {0747-5632},
  doi      = {},
  url      = {},
  abstract = {Lack of trust has been repeatedly identified as one of the most formidable barriers to people for engaging in e-commerce, involving transactions in which financial and personal information is submitted to merchants via the Internet. The future of e-commerce is tenuous without a general climate of online trust. Building consumer trust on the Internet presents a challenge for online merchants and is a research topic of increasing interest and importance. This paper provides an overview of the nature and concepts of trust from multi-disciplinary perspectives, and it reviews relevant studies that investigate the elements of online trust. Also, a framework of trust-inducing interface design features articulated from the existing literature is presented. The design features were classified into four dimensions, namely (1) graphic design, (2) structure design, (3) content design, and (4) social-cue design. By applying the design features identified within this framework to e-commerce web site interfaces, online merchants might then anticipate fostering optimal levels of trust in their customers. },
  journal  = {Computers in Human Behavior},
  keywords = {Trust, Online trust, E-commerce, Interface design },

  author       = {Hyun Shik Yoon and Luis G. Occeña},
  title        = {Influencing factors of trust in consumer-to-consumer electroniccommerce with gender and age},
  journaltitle = {International Journal of Information Management},
  year         = {2015},
  date         = {9.3.2015},
  volume       = {35},
  pages        = {352--363},

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Ich bin der Testinhalt :-) \parencite{Beldad2010}

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Verfasst: Do 8. Dez 2016, 11:34
von Johannes_B
Das ist kein Minimalbeispiel. Die Bib-Datei ist riesengroß, zitiert wird nur ein einziger Eintrag. Die pdf enthaelt viele viele viele Eintraege, wer soll denn da durchblicken?


Verfasst: Do 8. Dez 2016, 11:35
von nixversteh
Hallo T:-)M,

kannst du bitte deine bib-Daten mit utf8 codieren? So kann zumindest ich nichts checken, sehr viele nicht korrekt dargestellte Umlaute.

Dann hast du einige Pakete doppelt geladen...

Verfasst: Do 8. Dez 2016, 11:39
von Johannes_B
Auf den zweiten Blick scheinen alle Maengel, welche u angibst, von dir selbst hervorgerufen zu werden.
Latex kann doch nicht deine Fehler korrigieren?

Verfasst: Do 8. Dez 2016, 12:17
von Gast
  • Die Umlaute in der bib-Datei sind falsch codiert.
  • Der Zusatz (Dissertation) hat im Titel-Feld von PhThesis nicht zu suche.
  • Ähnlich verhält es sich mit Jahreszahlen im Journal-Titel von Artikeln.
  • Wenn du irgendwelcher Strings ändern willst, geht das über Änderung der Lokalisierung beispielsweise für phdthesis. Es gibt dafür jeweils zwei Werte: eine Langform und eine Kurzform. Bei einigen Strings sind diese identisch, bei phdthesis unterscheiden sie sich in der Voreinstellung.
  • Im Deutschen setzt man vor "und" kein Komma. Das gilt dann natürlich auch für "&".
  • Was dir bei "Social Sience" nicht passt, ist mir nicht klar.
  • Bei "Cloud Shift" hast du die falschen Anführungszeichen in der bib-Datei. Verwende besser csquotes.
  • Die eprint-Angabe hast ebenfalls du so in der bib-Datei.
Fazit: Korrigiere zuerst deine Fehler. Was dann noch übrig bleibt, lässt sich vermutlich durch gezielte Konfiguration von Begriffen/Strings oder die eine oder andere Option oder Umdefinierung einer Formatierung lösen. Dazu solltest du jedoch ganz gezielt einzelne Fragen mit darauf angepassten, wirklich minimierten Minimalbeispielen stellen.

Verfasst: Do 8. Dez 2016, 12:30
von T:-)M

erst einmal vielen Dank an alle, die mir geantwortet haben :-)

UTF-8 - sollte alles in dem Format kodiert sein

Umlaute - biblatex kann mit Umlauten umgehen

&, ist so vom Betreuer gewünscht - ich finde das auch sehr merkwürdig

bib - ich habe sie vollständig gelassen um mit \nocite{*} alle Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis anzuzeigen

ich verwende JabRef und habe dort meiner Meinung nach jeweils die passende Eintragsform gewählt.

Ich dachte, ich hätte schon ein Minimalbeispiel geladen. Tut mir Leid wenn dem nicht so sein sollte.
Welche Pakete habe ich denn doppelt geladen - ich optimiere natürlich gern noch meine main Datei.

Herzlichen Dank und viele Grüße

Verfasst: Do 8. Dez 2016, 13:22
von Gast
T:-)M hat geschrieben:UTF-8 - sollte alles in dem Format kodiert sein
Ist es aber nicht! Beispiel aus deinem Code oben
T:-)M hat geschrieben:
  author        = {Backhaus, Nils and Thüring, Manfred},
So können wir ganz schlecht testen.
T:-)M hat geschrieben:&, ist so vom Betreuer gewünscht - ich finde das auch sehr merkwürdig
Dann frag kritisch nach. Komma vor & ist beispielsweise dann korrekt, wenn das Literaturverzeichnis in einem englischen Dokument wäre oder die englischen Dokumente in englischem Stil aufgelistet werden sollen. Siehe dazu auch language und locale in der [d]biblatex[/d]-Anleitung.
T:-)M hat geschrieben:bib - ich habe sie vollständig gelassen um mit \nocite{*} alle Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis anzuzeigen
Du sollst aber nicht alle Quellen anzeigen, sondern beispielhaft solche herausgreifen, die deiner Meinung nach typische Fehler produzieren. Natürlich ist es dabei sinnvoll, sich selbst diese Einträge auch einmal genauer anzuschauen und dann beispielsweise zu erkennen, dass die Jahreszahl des Journals im Titel-Eintrag des Journals zu finden ist und deshalb natürlich auch als Teil des Titels ausgegeben wird. Der nächste Schritt wäre dann, in der [d]biblatex[/d]-Anleitung nachzuschauen, wie es richtig geht. Erst wenn man damit nicht klar kommt, stellt man eine Frage zu genau diesem einen Problem mit einem genau darauf zugeschnittenen Minimalbeispiel und einer exakten Angabe, wie es stattdessen aussehen soll.

Wenn du hingegen eine Mischung aus eigenen Fehlern und unklaren Wünschen mit riesigen Dateien postest, sinkt die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer umfassenden (und möglichst leicht verständlichen) Antwort ungemein.

Verfasst: Do 8. Dez 2016, 14:49
von T:-)M
Vielen Dank :-)

Ich werde es mit der englischen Version testen.
... und das nächste Mal kommt ein Minimalbeispiel - versprochen.
