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Probleme nach Neuinstallation

Verfasst: Fr 21. Apr 2017, 10:10
von Shlaeae

ich hatte bis gestern auf meinem PC MikTeX auf zwei verschiedenen Partitionen installiert und habe daraufhin gestern beide deinstalliert und MikTeX dann neu auf "C" installiert.
Leider habe ich seitdem ein Problem beim Erstellen / Kompilieren meiner Arbeit. Als Basis für die Arbeit verwende ich die Vorlage von Matthias Pospiech, die bis gestern ohne Probleme lief, seit der Neuinstallation aber nicht mehr.
Als Meldungen in TeXstudio erhalte ich:

Bad number (19). ...river file ``\pgfsysdriver'' not found.}}
Package pgf Error: Driver file ``pgfsys-pdftex.def'' not found.. ...river file ``\pgfsysdriver'' not found.}}
Bad number (19). ...river file ``\pgfsysdriver'' not found.}}
Bad number (19). \usepgflibrary{plothandlers}
Package pgf Error: I did not find the pgf library 'plothandlers'. I looked fohe current texmf trees.. \usepgflibrary{plothandlers}
Bad number (19). \usepgflibrary{plothandlers}
Undefined control sequence. \pgfdeclareplotmark
Missing \begin{document}. \pgfdeclareplotmark{b
Undefined control sequence. \shade
Undefined control sequence. \shade (0pt,0pt) circle (\pgfplotmarksize
Bad number (19). \usetikzlibrary{topaths}
Bad number (19). \usetikzlibrary{topaths}
Package tikz Error: I did not find the tikz library 'topaths'. I looked for fher could be found in the current texmf trees.. \usetikzlibrary{topaths}
Bad number (19). \usetikzlibrary{topaths}
Bad number (19). \usetikzlibrary{topaths}
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Package tikz Error: I did not find the tikz library 'scopes'. I looked for fi could be found in the current texmf trees.. }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Package tikz Error: I did not find the tikz library 'intersections'. I looked for files named tikzlibraryintersections.code.tex and pgflibraryintersections. }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Package tikz Error: I did not find the tikz library 'calc'. I looked for file be found in the current texmf trees.. }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Package tikz Error: I did not find the tikz library 'positioning'. I looked fex, but neither could be found in the current texmf trees.. }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Package tikz Error: I did not find the tikz library 'arrows'. I looked for fi could be found in the current texmf trees.. }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
No room for a new \read . }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Package tikz Error: I did not find the tikz library 'backgrounds'. I looked fex, but neither could be found in the current texmf trees.. }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Package tikz Error: I did not find the tikz library 'fit'. I looked for files found in the current texmf trees.. }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Package tikz Error: I did not find the tikz library 'fixedpointarithmetic'. Itrees.. }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Package tikz Error: I did not find the tikz library 'fpu'. I looked for files found in the current texmf trees.. }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Package tikz Error: I did not find the tikz library 'patterns'. I looked for either could be found in the current texmf trees.. }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Package tikz Error: I did not find the tikz library 'plothandlers'. I looked e.tex, but neither could be found in the current texmf trees.. }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Package tikz Error: I did not find the tikz library 'plotmarks'. I looked fort neither could be found in the current texmf trees.. }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). }
Package tikz Error: I did not find the tikz library 'shadings'. I looked for either could be found in the current texmf trees.. }
Bad number (19). }
Bad number (19). patterns}
Bad number (19). patterns}
Package tikz Error: I did not find the tikz library 'shapes.misc'. I looked fex, but neither could be found in the current texmf trees.. patterns}
Bad number (19). patterns}
Bad number (19). patterns}
Bad number (19). patterns}
Package tikz Error: I did not find the tikz library 'decorations'. I looked fex, but neither could be found in the current texmf trees.. patterns}
Bad number (19). patterns}
Bad number (19). patterns}
Bad number (19). patterns}
Package tikz Error: I did not find the tikz library 'decorations.markings'. Itrees.. patterns}
Bad number (19). patterns}
Bad number (19). patterns}
Bad number (19). patterns}
Package tikz Error: I did not find the tikz library 'decorations.pathreplacin current texmf trees.. patterns}
Bad number (19). patterns}
Undefined control sequence. \pgfdeclareplotmark
Missing \begin{document}. \pgfdeclareplotmark{|
Undefined control sequence. ...fqpoint{2\pgflinewidth}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
Missing number, treated as zero. ...fqpoint{2\pgflinewidth}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted). ...fqpoint{2\pgflinewidth}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
Undefined control sequence. ...qpoint{2\pgflinewidth}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
Missing number, treated as zero. ...qpoint{2\pgflinewidth}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted). ...qpoint{2\pgflinewidth}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
Undefined control sequence. ...qpoint{-2\pgflinewidth}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
Missing number, treated as zero. ...qpoint{-2\pgflinewidth}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted). ...qpoint{-2\pgflinewidth}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
Undefined control sequence. ...point{-2\pgflinewidth}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
Missing number, treated as zero. ...point{-2\pgflinewidth}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted). ...point{-2\pgflinewidth}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
Undefined control sequence. \pgfdeclareplotmark
Undefined control sequence. ...moveto{\pgfqpoint{0 pt}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
Missing number, treated as zero. ...moveto{\pgfqpoint{0 pt}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted). ...moveto{\pgfqpoint{0 pt}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
Undefined control sequence. ...ineto{\pgfqpoint{0 pt}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
Missing number, treated as zero. ...ineto{\pgfqpoint{0 pt}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted). ...ineto{\pgfqpoint{0 pt}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
Your graphic driver pgfsys-pdftex.def does not support scoping. This warning is given only once
Your graphic driver pgfsys-pdftex.def does not support setting the line width. This warning is given only once
Your graphic driver pgfsys-pdftex.def does not support path constructions. This warning is given only once
Your graphic driver pgfsys-pdftex.def does not support path usage. This warning is given only once
Your graphic driver pgfsys-pdftex.def does not support setting the dashing pattern. This warning is given only once
Your graphic driver pgfsys-pdftex.def does not support setting the line cap. This warning is given only once
Your graphic driver pgfsys-pdftex.def does not support transformations. This warning is given only once

Der Update-Manager findet aktuell keine Updates, ich habe heute morgen schonmal alles deinstalliert und dann wieder installiert, leider ohne Erfolg.

Über Hilfe wäre ich sehr dankbar!

Verfasst: Fr 21. Apr 2017, 11:06
von u_fischer
Klingt danach also würdest du das morewrites Paket nutzen. Das ist kaputt, ein Update ist aber unterwegs. Wenn es eilig ist, kannst du dir die neue sty hier rausholen und in deinen Dokumentenordner legen: ...

Verfasst: Fr 21. Apr 2017, 13:16
von Shlaeae
Super, vielen lieben Dank, dass war der entscheidende Hinweis :)! Ich vermute, dass mit der Neuinstallation das fehlerhafte Paket installiert wurde / wird...