Ausrichtung bei mulitrow Tabelle

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Registriert: Do 18. Dez 2008, 14:01

Ausrichtung bei mulitrow Tabelle

Beitrag von scarabeaus »

Hallo zusammen,

Ich möchte das der Text aus der ersten Spalte immer zentral in der Zelle steht so wie in den ersten beiden Gruppen. in der 3. 4. und 5. Gruppe passt es leider nicht mehr. (Vorallem in der 5. Gruppe)

hoffe das mir jemand helfen kann


hier der code den ich bis jetzt habe:
\newcommand{\BN}{``Bakti Negara'' }
\newcommand{\PS}{Pencak Silat }
	Titel && \multicolumn{1}{c}{Belt}\\[11pt]
	\multirow{4}*{Student} & & Solid Red length of training 6 months\\
		& & Red with one stripe,length of training 1 years\\
		& & Red with two stripes, length of training 1,5 years\\
		& & Red with three stripes, length of training 2 years\\[11pt]
	\multirow{4}*{Junior Cadre} & & Solid Blue length of training 2,5 years\\ 
		& & Blue with one stripe length of training 3,5 years\\
		& &  Blue with two stripes, length of training 4,5 years\\
		& & Blue with three stripes, length of training 5,5 years\\[11pt]
	\multirow{4}*{Mid level Cadre} & & Solid Yellow, length of training 6,5 years\\
		& & Yellow with one stripe, length of training 7,5 years\\
		& & Yellow with two stripes, length of training 8,5 years\\
		& & Yellow with three stripes, length of training 9,5 years\\[11pt]
	\multirow{4}*{Junior Master} & & Solid Purple, length of training 12 years\\
		& & Purple with one stripe, length of training 14 years\\
		& & Purple with two stripes, length of training 16 years\\
		& & Purple with three stripes, length of training 18 years\\[11pt]
	Senior Master & & Black \newline for those who have had at least 20 years of training and have fully mastered the four aspects of teaching \PS \BN It is seen as an honorary title given to cadres/management/members who have been proven to be dedicated, loyal and have made special achievements in the development of \BN school\\[11pt]
	Grand Master & & White

Beiträge: 44
Registriert: Di 22. Sep 2009, 16:35
Wohnort: München

Beitrag von harald »

Hallo scarabeus,

probier mal das:
\newcommand{\BN}{``Bakti Negara'' }
\newcommand{\PS}{Pencak Silat }
   Titel && \multicolumn{1}{c}{Belt}\\[11pt]
   \multirow{4}*{Student} & & Solid Red length of training 6 months\\
      & & Red with one stripe,length of training 1 years\\
      & & Red with two stripes, length of training 1,5 years\\
      & & Red with three stripes, length of training 2 years\\[11pt]
   \multirow{4}*{Junior Cadre} & & Solid Blue length of training 2,5 years\\
      & & Blue with one stripe length of training 3,5 years\\
      & &  Blue with two stripes, length of training 4,5 years\\
      & & Blue with three stripes, length of training 5,5 years\\[11pt]
   \multirow{5}*{Mid level Cadre} & & Solid Yellow, length of training 6,5 years\\
      & & Yellow with one stripe, length of training 7,5 years\\
      & & Yellow with two stripes, length of training 8,5 years\\
      & & Yellow with three stripes, length of training 9,5 years\\[11pt]
   \multirow{5}*{Junior Master} & & Solid Purple, length of training 12 years\\
      & & Purple with one stripe, length of training 14 years\\
      & & Purple with two stripes, length of training 16 years\\
      & & Purple with three stripes, length of training 18 years\\[11pt]
 \multirow{8}*{Senior Master} & & Black \newline for those who have had at least 20 years of training and have fully mastered the four aspects of teaching \PS \BN It is seen as an honorary title given to cadres/management/members who have been proven to be dedicated, loyal and have made special achievements in the development of \BN school\\[11pt]
   Grand Master & & White

Beiträge: 44
Registriert: Di 22. Sep 2009, 16:35
Wohnort: München

Beitrag von harald »

Dann ist der auch in der Mitte.

