
Fragen und Probleme, die nicht den obigen Kategorien zugeordnet werden können

Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Mo 2. Aug 2010, 15:02


Beitrag von gro_om »


ich hab von einem Kollegen ein Paket mit einigen Ordnern ('Titelblatt', 'Bilder', 'KapitelXY', etc), die zu einem Latex-Dokument gehören, bekommen.

Wenn ich nun die Hauptdatei öffne und kompilieren will, so wird immer nur das ursprüngliche PDF erstellt, von mir vorgenommene Änderungen werden nicht erkannt.

Ich hab auch versucht ein neues Projekt zu erstellen, so wie ichs gemacht hab, hats aber nicht geholfen.

Fehlermeldung kommt keine, nur Folgendes wird angezeigt:

„...\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\base\ts1enc.de“))pdflatex.exe: GUI framework cannot be initialized.”
Im Anhang seht ihr nochmal wie es grad aussieht.

Ich verwende MiKTex und TexNicCenter.

Wäre super wenn ihr mir weiterhelfen könnt!

Danke & Viele Grüße
Latex.jpg (326.59 KiB) 3658 mal betrachtet

Stefan Kottwitz
Beiträge: 2528
Registriert: Di 8. Jul 2008, 00:39

Re: Kompilierungsprobleme

Beitrag von Stefan Kottwitz »

gro_om hat geschrieben:pdflatex.exe: GUI framework cannot be initialized.”
dieses Problem und die Lösung wird in den MiKTeX 2.8 issues beschrieben.

Viele Grüße,


Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Mo 2. Aug 2010, 15:02

Beitrag von gro_om »

Dieser Fehler ist nun weg,

ich erhalte 2 andere Fehlermeldungen (s. Anhang 1) und bei der Dokumenterstellung (F5) die Nachricht: 1
"Beim öffnen der Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Die Datei kann nicht gefunden werden."

Vielleicht interessant: DIe Hauptdatei (mit den \include-Befehlen für die Unterverzeichnisse befindet sich nicht im Navigator links, sondern nur in der Taskleiste unten (Anhang 2).
Anhang 1
Anhang 1
Latex.jpg (275.86 KiB) 3599 mal betrachtet
Anhang 2
Anhang 2
Anhang2.jpg (264.19 KiB) 3621 mal betrachtet

Beiträge: 682
Registriert: Mi 25. Nov 2009, 09:41

Beitrag von Xenara »

Meine Vermutung:

Du hast in deinem Code einen Fehler drin, und vermutlich wird abgebrochen, bevor der Kompiler bei den includes ankommt, das würde erklären, weshalb diese Teile nicht mit in den Navigationsbaum aufgenommen werden.

Der Fehler müsste theoretisch vor Linie 89 sein, denn da wird abgebrochen. Und es hat wohl irgendwas mit einem Bild o.ä. zu tun.

Kommentiere mal schrittweise aus, bis der Fehler weg ist, dann kannst du es eingrenzen. Wenn du es nicht selbst findest, stellst du deinen Code hier ins Forum. Stichwort Minimalbeispiel!

Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Mo 2. Aug 2010, 15:02

Beitrag von gro_om »

Auskommentieren hat nichts gebracht. Verzeichnisse sollte auch stimmen.

Die Includes sind schon im Baum, aber das ist ja auch schon vor dem Kompilieren der Fall:
Ich zieh die Hauptdatei ins TexnicCenter und der Baum links wird erstellt.

Da ich keine Ahnung hab, hier mal die ersten 90 Zeilen:
% before documentclass
% disable pdfoutput to be able to include eps graphics and use packages like pstricks
% conversion dvi2ps and ps2pdf needed afterwards, pdftex specials like hyperref are still possible
%\pdfoutput=0																				% dvi output - use with pdfcprot (character protruding)
\RequirePackage{fix-cm}															% error correction for standard fonts

%% define CLASS
%\documentclass[11pt, a4paper, halfparskip*, bibtotoc, cleardoubleempty, final]{scrreprt}
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper, halfparskip*, bibtotoc, cleardoubleempty, final]{scrbook}

%% misc
%\usepackage{cmbright}																% serifenlose computer modern fonts
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}														% T1 fonts für gute pdf-Ausgabe
\usepackage[ansinew]{inputenc}											% wegen deutschen Umlauten
\usepackage[automark]{scrpage2}										  % Koma Headers
\usepackage{fixltx2e}																% fixes for latex2e

% prepare for german AND english, last language loaded is default
%\usepackage[ngerman, english]{babel}								% switch by \begin{otherlanguage}{ngerman}.. \end{otherlanguage}
\usepackage[english, ngerman]{babel}								% switch by \begin{otherlanguage}{english}.. \end{otherlanguage}

\usepackage{boxit}																	% frame handling
\usepackage{nag}																		% warn user on outdated packages
\usepackage[linktocpage]{hyperref}									% links in pdf, thumbnails
\usepackage{soul}																		% emphasizing text, underlining
\usepackage{breakurl}																% for broken urls in Bibliography when hyperref is in use
%\usepackage[square]{natbib}												% andere Literaturverweise, z. B. Zahlen
\usepackage[onehalfspacing]{setspace}								% 1.5, change line spaces by \singlespacing \doublespacing

%% tables
\usepackage{multicol} 															% multiple columns in tables
\usepackage{multirow}																% multiple rows in tables
\usepackage[margin=10pt,labelfont=bf]{caption} 			% table headers
\usepackage{hhline}																	% horizontal lines
\usepackage{longtable}															% pagebreak tables
\usepackage{booktabs}																% bold table lines, e.g. \toprule

%% math, symbols
\usepackage{amsmath}																% AMS Math like brackets, integrals...
\usepackage{amssymb}  															% AMS-Symbols v2.0
\usepackage{fixmath}																% big greek letters italic in math mode
\usepackage{array}																	% matrices
\usepackage{units}		  														% includes nicefrac, nicer fracs for one line, SI-Units
\usepackage{trfsigns}																% symbole für transformationen
\usepackage{textcomp}																% einfache Sonderzeichen, z.B. \texteuro
\usepackage{gensymb}																% correct greek letters in units,\micro instead of \mu
\usepackage[integrals]{wasysym}											% for integrals like \oiint
\usepackage[version=3]{mhchem}											% easy typesetting of chemical formulae
\usepackage{ziffer}																	% let"',"' be a valid delimiter in formulaes 

%% graphics
%\usepackage[activate]{pdfcprot}											% use margin kerning (character protruding) (Opt. Randausgleich)
\usepackage{microtype}															% character protruding, font expansion - instead of pdfcprot
\usepackage{graphicx}																% include graphics
\usepackage{wrapfig} 																% graphics in text
\usepackage{floatflt}																% graphics/tables in text
\usepackage{rotating} 															% rotating elements				
\usepackage{listings}																% for programming source code
\usepackage[svgnames]{xcolor}												% colors for listings

%% layout

% document definitions, do not change
\input{./mandaDef}         															% input only replaces text, include creates newpage

% user definitions, change this!
\input{./userDef}         															% input only replaces text, include creates newpage

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% THESIS START %%%%%%%%%%%%%%

		% Titelblatt
		\input{../Titelblatt/titel}									% Füge Titelblatt ein
		\cleardoublepage														% Leere Seite
		\nocite{*}																	% einbinden aller Literatureinträge
		% Vorspann
    \pagenumbering{roman}												% römische Seitennummerierung
    \tableofcontents 														% Inhaltsverzeichnis
    \include{../Vorspann/Abkuerzungen}					% Abkürzungen
		\input{../Vorspann/Erklaerung}							% Erklärung	(NÖTIG!) 	
		% Hauptteil
		\pagenumbering{arabic}											% Umschalten der Numerierung

Stefan Kottwitz
Beiträge: 2528
Registriert: Di 8. Jul 2008, 00:39


Beitrag von Stefan Kottwitz »

Poste doch einmal die .log-Datei hier als Anhang, also Kniemodell.log. Darin stehen alle Fehler und Warnungen, nur screenshots von Meldungsausschnitten sind nicht so aussagekräftig.


Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Mo 2. Aug 2010, 15:02

Beitrag von gro_om »

Bitteschön, Anhang geht hier leider nicht:
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (MiKTeX 2.8) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2010.8.2)  2 AUG 2010 16:25
entering extended mode
("D:/Hans/Studium/Semesterarbeit Knie/Muskelelastizität/Kniemodell Tex Richard/Hauptdatei/Kniemodell.tex"
LaTeX2e <2005/12/01>
Babel <v3.8l> and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang, nohyphenation, german, ngerman, german-x-2009-06-19, ngerm
an-x-2009-06-19, french, loaded.
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\base\fix-cm.sty"
Package: fix-cm 2006/03/24 v1.1n fixes to LaTeX

("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\base\ts1enc.def"
File: ts1enc.def 2001/06/05 v3.0e (jk/car/fm) Standard LaTeX file
Document Class: scrbook 2010/06/17 v3.06 KOMA-Script document class (book)
Package: scrkbase 2010/06/17 v3.06 KOMA-Script package (KOMA-Script-dependent basics and keyval usage)

Package: scrbase 2010/06/17 v3.06 KOMA-Script package (KOMA-Script-independent basics and keyval usage)

("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\graphics\keyval.sty"
Package: keyval 1999/03/16 v1.13 key=value parser (DPC)
Package: scrlfile 2009/03/25 v3.03 KOMA-Script package (loading files)

Package scrlfile, 2009/03/25 v3.03 KOMA-Script package (loading files)
                  Copyright (C) Markus Kohm

))) (C:\Users\Hildegard\AppData\Roaming\MiKTeX\2.8\tex\latex\koma-script\tocbasic.sty
Package: tocbasic 2010/06/09 v3.06 KOMA-Script package (handling toc-files)
Package tocbasic Info: omitting babel extension for `toc'
(tocbasic)             because of feature `nobabel' available
(tocbasic)             for `toc' on input line 117.
Package tocbasic Info: omitting babel extension for `lof'
(tocbasic)             because of feature `nobabel' available
(tocbasic)             for `lof' on input line 118.
Package tocbasic Info: omitting babel extension for `lot'
(tocbasic)             because of feature `nobabel' available
(tocbasic)             for `lot' on input line 119.
Package scrbook Info: You've used obsolete option `11pt'.
(scrbook)             \KOMAExecuteOptions{fontsize=11pt} will be
(scrbook)             used instead.
(scrbook)             You may simply replace `11pt'
(scrbook)             by `fontsize=11pt'.

Class scrbook Warning: You've used obsolete option `halfparskip*'.
(scrbook)              Usage of this option indicates an old document and
(scrbook)              changes compatibility level using
(scrbook)              `parskip=half*,version=first'.
(scrbook)              If you don't want this, you should simply replace
(scrbook)              usage of option `halfparskip*' by `parskip=half*'.

Class scrbook Info: Switching compatibility level to `first'.

Class scrbook Warning: You've used obsolete option `bibtotoc'.
(scrbook)              Usage of this option indicates an old document and
(scrbook)              changes compatibility level using
(scrbook)              `bibliography=totoc,version=first'.
(scrbook)              If you don't want this, you should simply replace
(scrbook)              usage of option `bibtotoc' by `bibliography=totoc'.

Class scrbook Info: Switching compatibility level to `first'.

Class scrbook Warning: You've used obsolete option `cleardoubleempty'.
(scrbook)              Usage of this option indicates an old document and
(scrbook)              changes compatibility level using
(scrbook)              `cleardoublepage=empty,version=first'.
(scrbook)              If you don't want this, you should simply replace
(scrbook)              usage of option `cleardoubleempty' by `cleardoublepage=empty'.

Class scrbook Info: Switching compatibility level to `first'.
Class scrbook Info: You've used standard option `final'.
(scrbook)           This is correct!
(scrbook)           Internally I'm using `draft=false'.
(scrbook)           If you'd like to set the option with \KOMAoptions,
(scrbook)           you'd have to use `draft=false' there
(scrbook)           instead of `final', too.
Class scrbook Info: File `scrsize11pt.clo' used to setup font sizes on input line 1310.
File: scrsize11pt.clo 2010/06/17 v3.06 KOMA-Script font size class option (11pt)
Package: typearea 2010/06/17 v3.06 KOMA-Script package (type area)

Package typearea, 2010/06/17 v3.06 KOMA-Script package (type area)
                  Copyright (C) Frank Neukam, 1992-1994
                  Copyright (C) Markus Kohm, 1994-

Package typearea Info: You've used standard option `a4paper'.
(typearea)             This is correct!
(typearea)             Internally I'm using `paper=a4'.
(typearea)             If you'd like to set the option with \KOMAoptions,
(typearea)             you'd have to use `paper=a4' there
(typearea)             instead of `a4paper', too.
Package typearea Info: These are the values describing the layout:
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(typearea)              \footskip       = 47.60002pt
(typearea)              \baselineskip   = 13.6pt
(typearea)              on input line 1133.
) ("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\base\fontenc.sty"
Package: fontenc 2005/09/27 v1.99g Standard LaTeX package

("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\base\t1enc.def"
File: t1enc.def 2005/09/27 v1.99g Standard LaTeX file
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring font encoding T1 on input line 43.
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\base\inputenc.sty"
Package: inputenc 2006/05/05 v1.1b Input encoding file

("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\base\ansinew.def"
File: ansinew.def 2006/05/05 v1.1b Input encoding file
Package: scrpage2 2010/04/22 v2.5 LaTeX2e KOMA-Script package
LaTeX Info: Redefining \pagemark on input line 176.
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\base\fixltx2e.sty"
Package: fixltx2e 2006/03/24 v1.1n fixes to LaTeX
LaTeX Info: Redefining \em on input line 420.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \textsubscript on input line 424.
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\generic\babel\babel.sty"
Package: babel 2008/07/06 v3.8l The Babel package

* Local config file bblopts.cfg used
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\00miktex\bblopts.cfg"
File: bblopts.cfg 2006/07/31 v1.0 MiKTeX 'babel' configuration
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\generic\babel\english.ldf"
Language: english 2005/03/30 v3.3o English support from the babel system

("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\generic\babel\babel.def"
File: babel.def 2008/07/06 v3.8l Babel common definitions
\l@canadian = a dialect from \language\l@american 
\l@australian = a dialect from \language\l@british 
\l@newzealand = a dialect from \language\l@british 
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\generic\babel\ngermanb.ldf"
Language: ngermanb 2008/07/06 v2.6n new German support from the babel system
\l@naustrian = a dialect from \language\l@ngerman 
Package babel Info: Making " an active character on input line 92.
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\ltxmisc\boxit.sty")
Package: nag 2010/05/17 0.622 warning about old commands (ulmi)
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\hyperref\hyperref.sty"
Package: hyperref 2009/09/10 v6.78u Hypertext links for LaTeX

("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\generic\oberdiek\ifpdf.sty"
Package: ifpdf 2009/04/10 v2.0 Provides the ifpdf switch (HO)
Package ifpdf Info: pdfTeX in pdf mode detected.
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\generic\oberdiek\ifvtex.sty"
Package: ifvtex 2008/11/04 v1.4 Switches for detecting VTeX and its modes (HO)
Package ifvtex Info: VTeX not detected.
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\ifxetex\ifxetex.sty"
Package: ifxetex 2009/01/23 v0.5 Provides ifxetex conditional
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\oberdiek\hycolor.sty"
Package: hycolor 2008/09/08 v1.4 Code for color options of hyperref/bookmark (HO)

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Package: xcolor-patch 2008/09/08 xcolor patch

("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\hyperref\pd1enc.def"
File: pd1enc.def 2009/09/10 v6.78u Hyperref: PDFDocEncoding definition (HO)
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\generic\oberdiek\etexcmds.sty"
Package: etexcmds 2007/12/12 v1.2 Prefix for e-TeX command names (HO)

("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\generic\oberdiek\infwarerr.sty"
Package: infwarerr 2007/09/09 v1.2 Providing info/warning/message (HO)
Package etexcmds Info: Could not find \expanded.
(etexcmds)             That can mean that you are not using pdfTeX 1.50 or
(etexcmds)             that some package has redefined \expanded.
(etexcmds)             In the latter case, load this package earlier.
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\00miktex\hyperref.cfg"
File: hyperref.cfg 2002/06/06 v1.2 hyperref configuration of TeXLive
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\oberdiek\kvoptions.sty"
Package: kvoptions 2009/08/13 v3.4 Keyval support for LaTeX options (HO)

("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\generic\oberdiek\kvsetkeys.sty"
Package: kvsetkeys 2009/07/30 v1.5 Key value parser with default handler support (HO)
Package hyperref Info: Option `final' set `true' on input line 2864.
Package hyperref Info: Option `linktocpage' set `true' on input line 2864.
Package hyperref Info: Hyper figures OFF on input line 2975.
Package hyperref Info: Link nesting OFF on input line 2980.
Package hyperref Info: Hyper index ON on input line 2983.
Package hyperref Info: Plain pages OFF on input line 2990.
Package hyperref Info: Backreferencing OFF on input line 2995.

Implicit mode ON; LaTeX internals redefined
Package hyperref Info: Bookmarks ON on input line 3191.
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\ltxmisc\url.sty"
Package: url 2006/04/12  ver 3.3  Verb mode for urls, etc.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \url on input line 3428.

("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\generic\oberdiek\bitset.sty"
Package: bitset 2007/09/28 v1.0 Data type bit set (HO)

("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\generic\oberdiek\intcalc.sty"
Package: intcalc 2007/09/27 v1.1 Expandable integer calculations (HO)
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\generic\oberdiek\bigintcalc.sty"
Package: bigintcalc 2007/11/11 v1.1 Expandable big integer calculations (HO)

("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\generic\oberdiek\pdftexcmds.sty"
Package: pdftexcmds 2009/04/10 v0.4 LuaTeX support for pdfTeX utility functions (HO)

("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\generic\oberdiek\ifluatex.sty"
Package: ifluatex 2009/04/17 v1.2 Provides the ifluatex switch (HO)
Package ifluatex Info: LuaTeX not detected.
Package pdftexcmds Info: LuaTeX not detected on input line 144.
Package hyperref Info: Hyper figures OFF on input line 4346.
Package hyperref Info: Link nesting OFF on input line 4351.
Package hyperref Info: Hyper index ON on input line 4354.
Package hyperref Info: backreferencing OFF on input line 4361.
Package hyperref Info: Link coloring OFF on input line 4366.
Package hyperref Info: Link coloring with OCG OFF on input line 4371.
Package hyperref Info: PDF/A mode OFF on input line 4376.

("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\generic\oberdiek\atbegshi.sty"
Package: atbegshi 2008/07/31 v1.9 At begin shipout hook (HO)
*hyperref using default driver hpdftex*
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\hyperref\hpdftex.def"
File: hpdftex.def 2009/09/10 v6.78u Hyperref driver for pdfTeX
Package: soul 2003/11/17 v2.4 letterspacing/underlining (mf)
Package: breakurl 2009/01/24 v1.30 Breakable hyperref URLs

("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\xkeyval\xkeyval.sty"
Package: xkeyval 2008/08/13 v2.6a package option processing (HA)

("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\generic\xkeyval\xkeyval.tex"
File: xkeyval.tex 2008/08/13 v2.6a key=value parser (HA)

Package breakurl Warning: You are using breakurl while processing via pdflatex.
(breakurl)                \burl will be just a synonym of \url.
(breakurl)                 on input line 47.

) (C:\Users\Hildegard\AppData\Roaming\MiKTeX\2.8\tex\latex\setspace\setspace.sty
Package: setspace 2000/12/01 6.7 Contributed and Supported LaTeX2e package

Package: `setspace' 6.7 <2000/12/01>
) ("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\tools\multicol.sty"
Package: multicol 2006/05/18 v1.6g multicolumn formatting (FMi)
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\multirow\multirow.sty"
Package: caption 2010/01/09 v3.1m Customizing captions (AR)

Package: caption3 2010/01/14 v3.1m caption3 kernel (AR)
Package caption Info: KOMA-Script document class.
Package caption Info: hyperref package is loaded.
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\tools\hhline.sty"
Package: hhline 1994/05/23 v2.03 Table rule package (DPC)
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\tools\longtable.sty"
Package: longtable 2004/02/01 v4.11 Multi-page Table package (DPC)
Class scrbook Info: longtable captions redefined on input line 40.

Package: booktabs 2005/04/14 v1.61803 publication quality tables
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\ams\math\amsmath.sty"
Package: amsmath 2000/07/18 v2.13 AMS math features

For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option.
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\ams\math\amstext.sty"
Package: amstext 2000/06/29 v2.01

("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\ams\math\amsgen.sty"
File: amsgen.sty 1999/11/30 v2.0
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\ams\math\amsbsy.sty"
Package: amsbsy 1999/11/29 v1.2d
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\ams\math\amsopn.sty"
Package: amsopn 1999/12/14 v2.01 operator names
LaTeX Info: Redefining \frac on input line 211.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \overline on input line 307.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \ldots on input line 379.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \dots on input line 382.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \cdots on input line 467.
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring font encoding OML on input line 567.
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring font encoding OMS on input line 568.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \[ on input line 2666.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \] on input line 2667.
("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\amsfonts\amssymb.sty"
Package: amssymb 2009/06/22 v3.00

("d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\amsfonts\amsfonts.sty"
Package: amsfonts 2009/06/22 v3.00 Basic AMSFonts support
LaTeX Font Info:    Overwriting math alphabet `\mathfrak' in version `bold'
(Font)                  U/euf/m/n --> U/euf/b/n on input line 96.
Package: fixmath 2000/04/11 v0.9 (WaS)
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring math symbol \Gamma on input line 27.
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring math symbol \Delta on input line 28.
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring math symbol \Theta on input line 29.
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring math symbol \Lambda on input line 30.
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring math symbol \Xi on input line 31.
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring math symbol \Pi on input line 32.
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring math symbol \Sigma on input line 33.
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring math symbol \Upsilon on input line 34.
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring math symbol \Phi on input line 35.
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring math symbol \Psi on input line 36.
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring math symbol \Omega on input line 37.
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring math symbol \alpha on input line 38.
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring math symbol \beta on input line 39.
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring math symbol \gamma on input line 40.
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring math symbol \delta on input line 41.
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(textcomp)             only a restricted character set as indicated.
(textcomp)             Family '?' is the default used for unknown fonts.
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File: ts1enc.def 2001/06/05 v3.0e (jk/car/fm) Standard LaTeX file
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Package: nameref 2007/05/29 v2.31 Cross-referencing by name of section

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Package: refcount 2008/08/11 v3.1 Data extraction from references (HO)
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LaTeX Font Info:    Overwriting symbol font `gns@font' in version `bold'
(Font)                  TS1/cmr/m/n --> TS1/cmr/bx/n on input line 77.
Package gensymb Info: Math companion symbols declared on input line 77.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \degree on input line 77.
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Package gensymb Info: Using text companion symbols for \degree, \celsius and \perthousand on input line 77.
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[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).]
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Overfull \hbox (36.55875pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 17--18


{C:/Users/Hildegard/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.8/pdftex/config/pdftex.map} <D:/Hans/Studium/Semesterarbeit Knie/Muskelelasti
zität/Kniemodell Tex Richard/Titelblatt/tum_logo.jpg> <D:/Hans/Studium/Semesterarbeit Knie/Muskelelastizität/Kniemodell 
Tex Richard/Titelblatt/spgm_logo.jpg>]) [2

Package tocbasic Info: character protrusion at toc deactivated on input line 86.

("D:\Hans\Studium\Semesterarbeit Knie\Muskelelastizität\Kniemodell Tex Richard\Hauptdatei\Kniemodell.toc")

("D:\Hans\Studium\Semesterarbeit Knie\Muskelelastizität\Kniemodell Tex Richard\Vorspann\Abkuerzungen.tex" [2

]) [3]
("D:\Hans\Studium\Semesterarbeit Knie\Muskelelastizität\Kniemodell Tex Richard\Vorspann\Erklaerung.tex") [4

! pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable fonts.
\AtBegShi@Output ...ipout \box \AtBeginShipoutBox 
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l.89 		\cleardoublepage

Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
 13942 strings out of 495285
 216507 string characters out of 3179867
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 16794 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+200000
 19334 words of font info for 67 fonts, out of 3000000 for 9000
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 55i,11n,92p,409b,422s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,50000s
!  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

Danke fürs Drüberschaun!

Stefan Kottwitz
Beiträge: 2528
Registriert: Di 8. Jul 2008, 00:39

pdfTeX error (font expansion)

Beitrag von Stefan Kottwitz »

Versuch mal, ob es ohne microtype geht, also kommentiere diese Zeile aus:

Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Mo 2. Aug 2010, 15:02

Beitrag von gro_om »

Hat leider nicht geholfen.

Eine Fehlermeldung hab ich noch vergessen zu posten.

Sie tritt vor dem Kompilieren auf, sobald ich F7 drücke:
"Es trat ein Fehler beim Speichern der Datei
Eine Datei kann nicht erstellt werden, wenn sie bereits vorhanden ist."

Stefan Kottwitz
Beiträge: 2528
Registriert: Di 8. Jul 2008, 00:39

Beitrag von Stefan Kottwitz »

gro_om hat geschrieben:Hat leider nicht geholfen.
Diese Beschreibung hilf leider auch nicht! Es sagt nicht aus, ob sich etwas geändert hat, ob weniger Fehler auftreten oder andere.
Z.B. würde ich erwarten, dass der Fehler
! pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable fonts.
ohne microtype nicht mehr auftritt, da microtype die font expansion vornimmt. Da dies die letzte Fehlermeldung vor dem Abbruch ist, gehe ich davon aus, dass es geholfen hat und Du nur evtl. vor einem weiteren Problem stehst, das im Übersetzen später auftritt.

Falls das so ist, kannst Du das neue logfile posten. Wenn .log nicht als Datei-Endung erlaubt ist, benenne es eben in .txt um.

